When do the internships take place?

Typically within the boundaries of the full summer semester. Students are allowed to do internships throughout the full summer or part of the summer for this program.

Am I allowed to do more than one internship?

Students can do more than one internship; however, we recommend that you focus on one you truly enjoy so you can focus on the mentorship and community aspects of this program.

Do I have to gain academic credit for my internship?

Some employers may require you to gain academic credit for this internship. If an employer is for-profit and not paying, the employer must require you to gain academic credit. If you are an international student, you are required to gain academic credit. Emerson allows students to gain 1 PDE credit at a 0 bill cost during this summer if they choose to do so.

Can I do the Emtern program twice?

No. This program is highly recommended and limited seats are available. We want to make sure that multiple students can take advantage of this program while they are at Emerson.

What happens after I submit my application?

Once the application is officially closed, your application will run through Financial Aid for review, and then a group of staff/faculty readers will score your application before it returns to the Career Development Center for the application's final review. This process can take anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks. Once all of the reviews are completed, the first round of interviews will begin.