
Sex and Power was the 2018–2019 theme of Adventures in Ethics. The series included:

  • Sally Haslanger (MIT) "Ideology, Power, and Agency"
  • Linda Martín Alcoff (CUNY) "Consent Is Too Low a Bar"
  • Naomi Scheman (University of Minnesota) "When Sexuality Is Sexed and Sex Is Sexualized"
  • Lee Edelman (Tufts University) "‘This Is Not Normal’: Queerness in the Time of Trump"


Truth and Politics was the 2017–2018 theme of Adventures in Ethics. The series included:

  • Jason Stanley (Yale University) "Politics, Language, and Power"
  • Michael P. Lynch (University of Connecticut) "Fake News and the Politics of Truth"
  • Timothy Snyder (Yale University) "On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century"
  • Nancy Fraser (New School for Social Research) "Truths and Populism"


On Religion was the 2016–2017 theme of Adventures in Ethics. The series included:

  • Michael Puett (Harvard University) "Ritual and Human Flourishing"
  • Seth Sanders (University of California David) "Did the Bible's Creators Actually have Ethical Teachings?"
  • Gil Anidjar (Columbia University) "Leviathan's Arms"
  • Stanley Hauerwas (Duke University) "What Could Ethics Be in a Fragmented World?"
  • Kevin Vallier (Bowling Green State University) "Religion in Politics: A Compelling Liberal Idea"
  • Elizabeth Shakman Hurd (Northwestern University) "Religion, Power, and Politics"


On Race and Racism was the 2015–2016 theme of Adventures in Ethics. The series included:

  • George Yancy (Emory University) "How Does it Feel to Be a 'Black Problem?"
  • Tommie Shelby (Harvard University) "Racism and Equal Opportunity"
  • Aliyyah Abdur-Rahman (Brandeis University) "Black Cacophony: The Effect of the Scream"
  • Charles Mills (Northwestern University)  "Rawlsian Racial Justice"
  • Falguni Sheth (Emory University) "Race, Vulnerability, and Violence"


State Violence was the 2014–2015 theme of Adventures in Ethics. The series included:

  • Charles Fried (Harvard University) and Gregory Fried (Suffolk University) "Reining in Extravagant Hypotheticals: From Runaway Trolleys to Ticking Bombs”
  • Todd May (Clemson University) “State Violence, Structural Violence, and Nonviolence”
  • Jay Bernstein (New School for Social Research) “Democratic Bodies: The Abolition of Torture and the Uprising of the Rule of Law”
  • Lisa Guenther (Vanderbilt University) “Life on Death Row: A Critical Phenomenology of State Execution”