September 17 is Constitution Day, a day to learn about the document fundamental to our country's founding. Now over two centuries old, the framers of the constitution were aware that changes would need to be made to the document; in fact, the Constitution may never have been ratified without the addition of the Bill of Rights, as the first ten Amendments to the Constitution are known. You can read more about the Bill of Rights and the process of creating the Constitution at the National Archives site.

In addition to the Amendments, the framers of the Constitution also had to deal with challenges all writers and scholars have faced - typos! The Constitution went through many drafts and is a handwritten document of more than 4,000 words spanning 4 pieces of parchment. Even Alexander Hamilton made an error by adding "Pennsylvania" to the list of states. You can read about the typographical errors, ink blots, and last minute changes.

This year is a Presidential election year, and many states are allowing for voting by mail. Did you know that in 2016, less than half of eligible students voted in the election? In contrast, 70% of senior citizens voted1.

Make your voice heard! If you're not sure how to vote in your home state, this guide can help. Simply choose your home state from the drop down to receive information and local government websites that can assist you. 


1 Democracy Counts: A Report on U.S. College and University Student Voting (PDF)