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Dr. Andrew Ball is an interdisciplinary scholar who specializes in American literature and culture, continental philosophy, and media studies. His work focuses on matters of religion, gender, class, and the interface of art and science. His book, The Economy of Religion in American Literature: Culture and the Politics of Redemption (Bloomsbury, 2022) examines how material conditions influence religious ritual and concepts of the sacred, as well as the function of art and the symbolic in that process. Andrew is the editor of The Essential Lectures of Charlotte Perkins Gilman, 1890-1894 (University of Alabama Press, 2024), a recovery project that sheds new light on the social philosophy of one of America’s foremost first-wave feminists. Dr. Ball is also the editor of the peer-reviewed journal, Screen Bodies: The Journal of Embodiment, Media Arts, and Technology (Berghahn). His scholarship has appeared in Philosophy and Literature, Religion & LiteratureAmerican Literary Realism, Studies in American Fiction, the Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory, Parrhesia, and Soundings, among other publications. He is a co-founder of the North American Levinas Society and President of the American Religion and Literature Society.



M.A., University of Pennsylvania
Ph.D., Purdue University

Areas of Expertise

  • Aesthetics
  • American Studies
  • Cultural Studies
  • Ethics
  • Feminism
  • LGBTQIA+ Studies
  • Literature
  • Media Studies
  • Philosophy
  • Religion
  • Sexuality Studies
  • Visual & Media Arts


The Essential Lectures of Charlotte Perkins Gilman, 1890–1894


(University of Alabama Press, 2024)

The Economy of Religion in American Literature: Culture and the Politics of Redemption


(Bloomsbury, 2022)

“The Dance of the Semantic Phoenix: Autopoietic Systems of Meaning in Finnegans Wake”

Philosophy and Literature 45.1 (2021): 172-184

“Voicing Ineffability: Theological Modernism and the Expression(ism) of Faith in Schoenberg’s Moses und Aron”

Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal 104.1 (2021): 1-12

“Revolutionary Love: Kierkegaard’s Gift Economy as a Religious Corrective to the Leveling of the Public Sphere”

Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory 20.1 (Winter 2020-2021): 1-13

“‘Salvation through socialism’: Conversion in the Work of Jack London and Upton Sinclair"

Studies in American Fiction 47.2 (2020): 219-232

“Mistaking ‘Shadows for Gods’: Apotheosis and Political Theology in the Progressive Era”

American Literary Realism 51.3 (2019): 246-260

“‘Christianity Incorporated’: Sinclair Lewis and the Taylorization of American Protestantism”

Religion & Literature 50.1-2 (2019): 65-89

“The Economy of Love: Ethics and the Theory of Forgiveness”

The Heythrop Journal: A Quarterly Review of Philosophy and Theology 60 (2019): 614-623