Christopher Griswold-Jenkins

Assistant Director, Center for Comedic Arts
Pronouns: (They/Them/Theirs)
Christopher Griswold-Jenkins
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Christopher Griswold-Jenkins has dedicated over twenty-five years to inspiring students and refining methods for success in the world of improv comedy. As an internationally recognized instructor, they have educated thousands across the globe.

Currently, Christopher serves as the Assistant Director at Emerson College's Center for Comedic Arts, the only comedy BFA program in the United States. Their focus at Emerson includes producing events to expand the educational experience, including serving as artistic director of the annual comedy festival ComEx and founding Emerson Mainstage Improv.

Christopher is the creator of Improv Discussion and Resources, an online community with more than 7,000 members worldwide, as well as its accompanying podcast. Christopher also serves on the board of the Artists Literacies Institute.

In New York City, Christopher was a performer at The Annoyance Theatre and served as Thunderbolt Comedy's artistic director and director of education. At the Upright Citizens Brigade Training Center, Christopher created the position of Diversity Liaison to improve inclusivity for students.

With Tarik Davis, Christopher co-founded Improv For Life, developing strategic interpersonal communication training for clients like Yelp and the Rhode Island School of Design. In 2021, with Michael Parlato, they designed and launched Pineappl, a streaming video platform designed for live performance.

From 2022 to 2023, Christopher and their wife Rhiannon toured internationally, performing and teaching at improv festivals and advising theaters from Philadelphia to Amsterdam. They also toured their partially scripted clown cabaret show Good Girl across the UK fringe circuit and will present it at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe.
