Vincent Raynauld

Associate Professor and Director of the DC Program
Vincent Raynauld
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In addition to his Emerson College appointments, Dr. Vincent Raynauld is Affiliate Professor in the Département de lettres et communication sociale at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (Canada). He is also serving as Research Associate in the Groupe de recherche en communication politique (GRCP) and as Member of the North American Digital Diplomacy Initiative (NACDI) based at Queen's University (Canada). and Associate Editor for the Journal of Information Technology and Politics since 2019. In May 2024, he was elected to the Board of Directors of the Canadian Political Science Association (CPSA) for a three-year term (2024-2027).

Dr. Raynauld's areas of research interest and publication include political communication and campaigning, protest politics, social media, political marketing and management, digital politics, identity politics, and journalism. His work has appeared in French and English-language national and international peer reviewed journals, including Social Media + Society, Journal of Information Technology & Politics, Terminal. Technologie de l’information, culture & société, American Behavioral Scientist, Information, Communication, and Society, the International Journal of Strategic Communication, and Politique et Sociétés. His research has also appeared in books by leading national and multinational publishers, including Routledge, UBC Press, Palgrave Macmillan, Presses de l’Université de Rennes, Edward Elgar, and the University of Toronto Press. His research activities have been funded by different governmental agencies, private organizations, and academic institutions internationally, including the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Emerson College, the Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture (FQRSC), the Helen C. Rose Ethics and Communication Endowed Fund, the University of Windsor, and the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières. Dr. Raynauld's work has received awards from different organizations. In 2022, Dr. Raynauld and his co-author Dr. Mireille Lalancette won the Identity Politics Best Paper Award from the Northeastern Political Science Association for a paper presented at the 2022 annual meeting of the association.

Dr. Raynauld earned his doctorate degree in communication at Carleton University's School of Journalism and Communication (Ottawa, ON, Canada) in February 2014 under the supervision of Dr. André Turcotte. A native of Montreal (Quebec, Canada), Dr. Raynauld speaks and writes fluently in French and English.

En plus de ses responsabilités à Emerson College, le professeur Vincent Raynauld est professeur affilié au Département de lettres et communication sociale de l'Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (Canada). Il est également chercheur associé au Groupe de recherche en communication politique (GRCP), membre de la North American Digital Diplomacy Initiative (NACDI) basée à l'Université Queen's (Canada) et éditeur associé au Journal of Information Technology and Politics depuis 2019. Au mois de mai 2024, le professeur Raynauld a été élu comme membre de comité de direction de l'Association canadienne de science politique (ACSP) pour un mandat de trois ans (2024-2027).

Les domaines d'intérêts de recherche et de publication du professeur Raynauld comprennent la communication politique et les campagnes, la contestation politique, les médias socionumériques, le marketing et la gestion du politique, la politique numérique, la politique identitaire et le journalisme. Ses travaux ont été publiés dans une grand nombre de revues nationales et internationales de langue française et anglaise avec des comités de lecture: Social Media + Society, Journal of Information Technology & Politics, Terminal. Technologie de l'information, culture & société, American Behavioral Scientist, Information, Communication et Société, International Journal of Strategic Communication ainsi que Politique et Sociétés. Ses recherches ont également été publiées dans des ouvrages par des éditeurs nationaux et multinationaux de premier plan, notamment Routledge, UBC Press, Palgrave Macmillan, les Presses de l'Université de Rennes, Edward Elgar et les Presses de l'Université de Toronto. 

Ses activités de recherche ont été financées par différentes agences gouvernementales, organisations privées et institutions universitaires internationales: notamment le Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada (CRSH), Emerson College, le Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture (FQRSC), le Helen C. Rose Ethics and Communication Endowed Fund, Carleton University, l'Université de Windsor et l'Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières. Les travaux du professeur Raynauld ont également été récompensés par différentes organisations. En 2022, M. Raynauld et sa co-autrice, la professeure Mireille Lalancette, ont remporté le Identity Politics Best Paper Award décerné par la Northeastern Political Science Association pour une communication présentée lors de la réunion annuelle de l'association en 2022.

Le professeur Raynauld a obtenu son doctorat en communication à l'École de journalisme et de communication de l'Université Carleton (Ottawa, ON, Canada) en février 2014 sous la direction du professeur André Turcotte. Originaire de Montréal (Québec, Canada), le professeur Raynauld est parfaitement bilingue (français et anglais).


  • Department Communication Studies
  • Since 2014
  • Office Hours
    • Tuesdays, 3:45 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. (on campus and via Zoom)
    • Wednesdays, 3:45 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. (on campus and via Zoom)


B.S., Université de Montréal
M.A., Université Laval
Ph.D., Carleton University

Areas of Expertise

  • Communication Studies
  • Facebook/Meta
  • Political Campaign Strategy
  • Political Campaigns & Media & Advertising
  • Political Campaigns & Social Media
  • Political Communication
  • Research Methodology
  • Snapchat
  • Social Media
  • TikTok


Lalancette, M. and V. Raynauld (2025). "Les mèmes sont devenus incontournables en politique. Quels effets ont-ils ?" The Conversation.


Gillies, J., V. Raynauld and A. Wisniewski (2024), “The Rising Tide of Populism in Canada Since the Freedom Convoy.” The Loop: ECPR’s Political Science Blog.


Turcotte, A. and V. Raynauld (2024). "Managing the “Unknown Unknowns”: Organizational processes, market intelligence, and leaders’ management of grassroots political protest"

In Lees-Marshment, J. (2024). Political Management in Practice: lessons from around the globe. Routledge.

Raynauld, V. and M. Lalancette (2024), "Médias socionumériques et politique : enjeux de personnalisation, d’intimisation et de célébritisation à l’ère digitale."

In Bastien, F. and M. Lalancette (Eds.) (2024). Médiatisation de la politique: Logiques et pratiques. Presses de l'Université du Québec

Gillies, J., V. Raynauld, and A. Turcotte (Eds.) (2023). Political Marketing in the 2021 Canadian Federal Elections. Palgrave Macmillan.


Lalancette, M. and V. Raynauld (2023). "The Hyper-Masculine Campaign: Party Leader Brand Image, Heteronormativity, and the 2021 Canadian Federal Election"


*A previous version of this book chapter won the Northeastern Political Science Association's Identity Politics best paper award in 2023.

In Gillies, J., V. Raynauld, and A. Turcotte (Eds.) (2023). Political Marketing in the 2021 Canadian Federal Elections. Palgrave Macmillan.

Turcotte, A. and V. Raynauld (2023). "The Neglected Populists: Breaking Down the Performance of the Left-Leaning New Democratic Party in the 2021 Canadian Federal Election"

In Gillies, J., V. Raynauld, and A. Turcotte (Eds.) (2023). Political Marketing in the 2021 Canadian Federal Elections. Palgrave Macmillan.

Raynauld, V., J. Gillies, and A. Turcotte (2023). "Introduction: The 2021 Canadian Federal Election"

In Gillies, J., V. Raynauld, and A. Turcotte (Eds.) (2023). Political Marketing in the 2021 Canadian Federal Elections. Palgrave Macmillan.

Gillies, J., A. Turcotte, and V. Raynauld (2023). "Conclusion: The Calm Before The Storm"

In Gillies, J., V. Raynauld, and A. Turcotte (Eds.) (2023). Political Marketing in the 2021 Canadian Federal Elections. Palgrave Macmillan.

Navarro, C., D. Ganapathy, and V. Raynauld (2023), “Visual Culture, Personalization, and Politics: A Comparative Analysis of Political Leaders’ Instagram-Based Image-Making and Communication in Spain and India.”

International Journal of Strategic Communication. DOI: 10.1080/1553118X.2023.2209572.

Gillies, J., V. Raynauld and A. Wisniewski (2023), “Canada is No Exception: The 2022 Freedom Convoy, Political Entanglement, and Identity-Driven Protest.” American Behavioral Scientist. DOI: 00027642231166885


Raynauld, V. and M. Lalancette (2023), “Social Media, Visuals, and Politics: A Look at the Digital Visual Habitus on Instagram.”

In Veneti, A. and D. Lilleker. Research Handbook on Visual Politics. Edward Elgar.

Lord, F.-R., V. Raynauld, M. Lalancette and J. Luckerhoff (2022), “La résistance franco-ontarienne à l’arrêt de financement de l’Université de l’Ontario français (UOF) : une lutte numérique.” Enjeux & Sociétés , 9(2), 277-300.


Lalancette, M. and V. Raynauld with A. Ozorai (2022), “Personalization of Local Candidates.”

In Marland, A., and T. Giasson (2022). Inside the Constituency-Level Election Campaign. UBC Press.

Raynauld, V. and A. Turcotte (2022), “Replicating the 2016 ‘Lightning in a Bottle’ Political Moment: Biden, Trump and Winning the U.S. Presidency.”

In Gillies, J. (2022), Political Marketing in the 2020 U.S. Elections. Palgrave Macmillan.

Raynauld, V. and M. Lalancette (2021), “Pictures, Filters, and Politics: Instagram’s Role in Political Image-Making and Storytelling in Canada.” Visual Communication Quarterly, 28(4), 212–226.


Lalancette, M. and V. Raynauld (2021), “Personnaliser la campagne”, Policy Options Politiques.


Lalancette, M. and V. Raynauld (2021), “Making the local campaign personal”, Policy Options Politiques.


Raynauld, V. and M. Lalancette (2021), “The key role of political parties’ digital strategies in the federal elections”

Policy Options Politiques,

Raynauld, V. and M. Lalancette (2021), “Le rôle clé de la stratégie numérique des partis durant l’élection fédérale”

Policy Options Politiques,

Luckerhoff, J., V. Raynauld and M. Lalancette (2021), "Du désintéressement à l’emballement : les médias socionumériques pour enseigner, diffuser, communiquer et recruter dans le milieu universitaire"

Enjeux & Société 8(2): 323-343.

Lalancette, M. and V. Raynauld (2020), “Politicking and Visual Framing on Instagram: A Look at the Portrayal of the Leadership of Canada’s Justin Trudeau.”

Études canadiennes/Canadian Studies. Revue interdisciplinaire des études canadiennes en France. 89: 257-290.

Raynauld, V. and D. Renauld (2020), “The Evolving Craft of Political Marketing”, Policy Options Politiques.


Gillies, J., V. Raynauld and A. Turcotte (Eds.) (2020), Political Marketing in the 2019 Canadian Election. Palgrave Macmillan.


Turcotte, A. and V. Raynauld (2020) “Divide Et Impera: Wedge Politics in the 2019 Canadian Federal Election.”

In Gillies, J., V. Raynauld and A. Turcotte (Eds.) (2020), Political Marketing in the 2019 Canadian Election. Palgrave Macmillan.

Raynauld, V., J. Gillies, and A. Turcotte (2020) “Introduction: The 2019 Canadian Federal Election.”

In Gillies, J., V. Raynauld and A. Turcotte (Eds.) (2020), Political Marketing in the 2019 Canadian Election. Palgrave Macmillan.

Lalancette, M. and V. Raynauld (2020), “How Political Leaders in North America have used COVID-19 to improve their Polls”, Policy Options Politiques.


Lalancette, M. and V. Raynauld (2020), “La COVID-19 a permis à des dirigeants nord-américains d’améliorer leur image”, Policy Options Politiques.


Raynauld, V. and M. Lalancette (2020), “Infection du populisme aux États-Unis”, France Forum.


Turcotte, A., J. Gillies and V. Raynauld (2020) “Conclusion: Déjà Vu All Over Again?”

In Gillies, J., V. Raynauld and A. Turcotte (Eds.) (2020), Political Marketing in the 2019 Canadian Election. Palgrave Macmillan.

Richez, E. and V. Raynauld (2020), “Une nouvelle vague de luttes autochtones : Étude de l’impact politique du mouvement Idle No More.”

In Marceau, S. G. & Salée, D. (2020), Citoyennetés autochtones. Peter Lang.

Richez, E., V. Raynauld and S. Wojcik (Eds.) (2020), “Les groupes minoritaires et/ou marginalisés à l’ère numérique : Pratiques de mobilisation, changement sociopolitiques et transformations identitaires.”

In Terminal. Technologie de l’information, culture & société.

Raynauld, V. E. Richez, and S. Wojcik (2020), “Introduction : Les groupes minoritaires et/ou marginalisés à l’ère numérique : Pratiques de mobilisation, changements sociopolitiques et transformations identitaires.”

In Terminal. Technologie de l’information, culture & société.

Richez, E., V. Raynauld, A. Medina and A. Kartolo (2020), “Unpacking the Political Effects of Social Movements with a Strong Digital Component: The Case of #IdleNoMore.”

Social Media + Society.

Raynauld, V., M. Lalancette and E. Crandall (2019), “Introduction: Identifying and Studying #Trends in Canadian Politics: The Need to Stay Aware and Ahead of the Curve.”

In Lalancette, M., V. Raynauld and E. Crandall (Eds.). What’s Trending in Canadian Politics? Understanding Transformations in Power, Media, and the Public Square. UBC Press.

Lees-Marshment, J. and V. Raynauld (2020), “Overview of Digital Political Communication and Marketing.”

In Loge, P., Political Communication Ethics: Theory and Practice. Rowan and Littlefield.

Raynauld, V., and D. Renauld (2020), "Political Advertisers."

In Marland, A. and T. Giasson. "Inside the Campaign: Managing Elections in Canada", UBC Press.

Lalancette, M. and V. Raynauld (2020), “Online Mobilization: Tweeting Truth to Power in An Era of Revised Patterns of Mobilization 2.0 in Canada.”

In Small, T. and H. Jansen (Eds.). Digital Politics in Canada: Promises & Realities. University of Toronto Press.

Lalancette M., V. Raynauld and S. Tourigny-Koné (2019), “An Under-the-Hood Look at Social Media-Fueled Protest: Defining Interactions Between News Media Organizations, Activists, and Citizens on Twitter”

Communication and Culture Review, 2(1-2), 4-21.

Lalancette M. and V. Raynauld (2019), “The Power of Political Image: Justin Trudeau, Instagram, and Celebrity Politics”

American Behavioral Scientist, 63(7), 889-924.

Richez, E. and V. Raynauld (2019), “Dynamics of Digital Constituent Outreach and Engagement in Linguistically Diverse Societies: A Quantitative Look at Canadian Provinces”

International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics, 15(3), 261-281.

Lalancette, M. and V. Raynauld (2019), “Stars, argent et approbation : appuis politiques des célébrités au Canada et aux États-Unis: enjeux de communication politique.”

In Hourmant, F., M. Lalancette and P. Leroux. Selfies and Stars: Célébrité et politique en Amérique et en France. Presses de l’Université de Rennes.

Lalancette, M., V. Raynauld and E. Crandall (Eds.) (2019), “What’s Trending in Canadian Politics? Understanding Transformations in Power, Media, and the Public Square.”

UBC Press.

Raynauld, V., M. Lalancette and S. Tourigny-Koné (2019), “Rethinking Digital Activism as it Unfolds: Ambient Political Engagement on Twitter during the 2012 Quebec Student Strike.”

In Lalancette, M., V. Raynauld and E. Crandall (Eds.). What’s Trending in Canadian Politics? Understanding Transformations in Power, Media, and the Public Square. UBC Press.

Lalancette, M., E. Crandall and V. Raynauld (2019), “Conclusion: Unpacking Trending Practices in Canadian Politics: The Old, the New, and the Transformative.”

In Lalancette, M., V. Raynauld and E. Crandall (Eds.). What’s Trending in Canadian Politics? Understanding Transformations in Power, Media, and the Public Sphere. UBC Press.

Lewis, J. P., M. Lalancette and V. Raynauld (2019) “Cabinet Solidarity in an Age of Social Media: A Case Study of Twitter Use by Member of Parliament Carolyn Bennett.”

In Lalancette, M., V. Raynauld and E. Crandall (Eds.). What’s Trending in Canadian Politics? Understanding Transformations in Power, Media, and the Public Square. UBC Press.

Raynauld, V. and J. Lees-Marshment (2019), “Static Political Marketing.”

In Lees-Marshment, J., B. Conley, E. Elder, R. Pettitt, V. Raynauld and A. Turcotte, Political Marketing: Principles and Applications (3rd edition). Routledge.

Lalancette, M. and V. Raynauld (2018), “Digital Politics Taking A Visual Turn in Canada: Instagram, Justin Trudeau, and Political Image-Making”, Policy Options Politiques


Raynauld, V. and A. Turcotte (2018), "'Different Strokes for Different Folks': Revisiting Fragmentation Politics in the Age of Donald Trump."

In Gillies, J. (Ed.). Political Marketing in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. Palgrave Macmillan.

Raynauld, V., E. Richez and K. Boudreau Morris (2018), "Canada is #IdleNoMore: Exploring Dynamics of Indigenous Political and Civil Protest in the Twitterverse"

Information, Communication and Society, 21(4), 626-642.

McKelvey, F., M. Côté, and V. Raynauld (2018), “Scandals and Screenshots: Social Media Elites in Canadian Politics.”

In Marland, A., T. Giasson and A. Lawlor. Political Elites in Canada Power and Influence in Instantaneous Times, UBC Press

Raynauld, V. (2018), “À vos marques, prêts, partez ! Les défis et opportunités du marché de l’emploi universitaire contemporain”

Politique et Sociétés, 37(3), 149-161.

Lalancette, M. and V. Raynauld (2017), “Médias sociaux et célébrité politique : Le renouveau des pratiques"


Raynauld, V. (2016), “Quelques clés des succès électoraux de Donald Trump.”


Washburn, R. and V. Raynauld (2016), "Journalism on the Ground in Southern Ontario."

In Gasher, M., C. Brin, C. Crowther, G. King, E. Salamon and S. Thibault (eds.). Deliberation, Diversity and Dollars: Public Strategies for Journalism in the Canadian Media Ecology, University of Toronto Press.

Raynauld, V. (2016), “Débâts télévisés des chefs durant les campagnes electorales au Canada : Une formule à réviser.”

Policy Options Politiques.

Raynauld, V., M. Lalancette and S. Tourigny-Kone (2016), “Political Protest 2.0: Social Media and the 2012 Student Strike in the Province of Quebec, Canada”

French Politics, 14(1), 1–29.

Raynauld, V. (2015), “The Blog Is Dead, Long Live the (Micro)Blog! Unpacking Dynamics in Political Blogging during #elxn42”

In Marland, A. and T. Giasson, Canadian Election Analysis: Communication, Strategy, and Democracy, UBC Press.

Raynauld, V., M. Lalancette and S. Tourigny-Koné (2015), “Taking Protest to the Twitterverse: Making Sense of New Forms of Political Action on Social Media.”


Raynauld, V. and E. Richez (2015), “Obligation, Service, and/or Opportunity? Canadian MPs’ Choice of Language in Digital Constituent Outreach.”

Political Marketing Politique (6)1.

Raynauld, V. and J. Greenberg (2014), “Tweet, Click, Vote: Twitter and the 2010 Ottawa Municipal Election”

Journal of Information Technology & Politics 11(4): 412-434.

Turcotte, A. and V. Raynauld (2014), “Boutique Populism: The Emergence of the Tea Party Movement in the Age of Digital Politics.”

In Lees-Marshment, J., B. Conley and K. Cosgrove, Political Marketing in the U.S., Routledge.

Giasson, T., C. Darisse and V. Raynauld (2013), “Politique PQ 2.0 : Qui Sont les Blogueurs Politiques Québécois?”

Politique et Sociétés 32(3): 3-28.

Giasson, T., V. Raynauld and C. Darisse (2011), “Hypercitizens from a Distinct Society: Characterizing Quebec’s Political Bloggers' Online and Offline Political Involvement”

International Journal of Interactive Communication Systems and Technologies 1(2)

Raynauld, V., T. Giasson and C. Darisse (2011), “Constitution of Representative and Reliable Web-Based Research Samples: Identifying the Opportunities and Challenges of Studying Citizen-Driven Political Blogs”

Graduate Journal of Social Science 8(3)

Awards & Honors

Helen C. Rose Ethics and Communication Endowed Fund grant ($2,000 US)

with Keira Beatty, Anneke Butkus, Reem Al Khalifa, and Dr. Mireille Lalancette

Winner of the Northeastern Political Science Association’s Identity Politics Best Paper Award ($250 USD)

with Dr. Mireille Lalancette

Scholarly Publications Program (ASPP) of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada ($8,000)

with Dr. Mireille Lalancette, Dr. Erin Crandall, and all contributors to the book

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Insight Development Grant ($62,646)

with Dr. Emmanuelle Richez

University of Windsor HSSRG research grant ($5,000)

with Dr. Emmanuelle Richez

FAHSS SRF Project Development Award ($5,000)

with Dr. Emmanuelle Richez

Emerson College Research Grant ($2,000)


Carleton University Senate Medal


David and Rachel Epstein Scholarship for Outstanding Graduate Students at Carleton University


Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Doctoral Fellowship


Carleton University Scholarship for Academic Excellence


Carleton University Departmental Scholarship