Emerson College students, faculty, and staff with special adaptive technology needs have first priority for use of the Library's adaptive technology workstation for research purposes. The workstation includes a scanner and software that reads scanned or electronic text aloud (Kurzweil 3000 version 13.13), speech-to-text software (Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12.5), word prediction software (Co:Writer 7), and visual mapping software (Inspiration 9.1). The workstation is located on the left as you enter the Library, near the windows.
No Library computer may be used for illegal or unethical activities. Students who damage a Library computer will be held financially responsible for replacing the computer or parts. No personal software may be installed on any Library computer. Students found changing or deleting software or computer settings (for example, video graphics, Windows desktop, or browser options) may forfeit their Library privileges.
The Library reserves the right to restrict access to this computer.
If you have any questions concerning the adaptive technology workstation, contact Elena O'Malley, Assistant Director for Technology and Systems, elena_omalley [at] emerson.edu (subject: adaptive%20technology%20workstation) (by email) or at 617-824-8339.