This policy applies to full time staff. The College recognizes that some of its full time staff members may wish to work for compensation outside of their College employment. The College also recognizes the potential for a conflict between such employment and the staff member’s position with the College. Employees are permitted to engage in outside work, with the prior written approval of their direct supervisor, subject to restrictions outlined below.

I. Proposal

Prior to accepting outside employment, a full-time College staff employee must submit a proposal for outside employment in writing using the attached form to the employee’s direct supervisor. The proposal should give the name of the proposed employer, the job title, duties, location, and the schedule. The supervisor’s approval must be in writing and the supervisor must send a copy of the approval to Human Resources. The staff employee must notify the supervisor and Human Resources in writing when the employer, job title, duties, location, or schedule change, and must get the supervisor’s approval to such changes.

In evaluating outside work, the supervisor will consider whether the proposed employment:

  1. May reduce the employee’s efficiency in working for the College.
  2. Involves working for an organization that does a significant amount of business with the college, such as major contractors or suppliers.
  3. Involves working for another college or university

II. Promotional Materials

Publicity and promotional materials related to outside employment should clearly indicate that services are offered by the staff member acting in the capacity of an individual, and not suggest that they are acting as a representative of the College. The logo of the College shall not be used on any such material.

III. Conflict

Full-time staff members’ outside employment must not compete, conflict with or compromise, either in substance or appearance, the College’s interests or adversely affect job performance and the ability to fulfill all responsibilities to the College. Full time staff employees may not use College resources, including without limitation computer or email, or College confidential information, in the performance of outside employment. Full-time staff members will direct telephone calls, visitors, meetings and correspondence to their home or outside work address.

IV. Demands

Employees are cautioned to consider carefully the demands that additional work activity will create before accepting outside employment. Outside employment will not be considered an excuse for poor job performance, absenteeism, tardiness, leaving early, refusal to travel or refusal to work overtime or different hours. If outside work activity causes or contributes to job-related problems, it must be discontinued, and, if necessary, normal disciplinary procedures will be followed to deal with the specific problem.