Podcasts and Live Events to Engage the Issues of Our Time

Brought to you by the Emerson College School of Communication, both the Campus on the Common podcast and its LIVE event companion series are produced for the enjoyment of alumni, students, parents, faculty and staff, and friends of the college. In other words, for everyone who shares the Emerson spirit of curiosity, creativity, and lifelong learning, no matter where they are.

About Campus on the Common LIVE

In 2020, we are thrilled to introduce a the online event series, Campus on the Common LIVE. Like the podcast, this production will showcase the ideas and insights of the Emerson community, with the added bonus of a live and interactive audience. Campus on the Common LIVE offers participants the opportunity to, in a sense, return to the classroom, and to learn from faculty and professional experts and each other.

Upcoming Episodes

When Facts and Feelings Collide: Case Studies in Confirmation Bias and Digital Culture

November 18, 7:00 p.m.

  • Ruth Grossman, Assosciate Professor and Chair, Communication Sciences and Disorders
  • Paul Mihailidis, Associate Professor of Journalism, Director of the Media Design Program

Vaccines cause autism. Humans have nothing to do with climate change. Media are lying ALL THE TIME. Stories like these circulate on social media every day. And the more they are repeated, the more they seem true. Even if we are skeptical, it is difficult to find the facts through so many layers of rhetoric. Or quell that nagging “what if?” feeling. We will examine case studies, discuss how some narratives come to dominate the conversation, and how to follow the threads of original data to get beyond feelings and into facts.

Registration Link TBD

How to Do Conflict Better: Tips for Navigating Contentious Times

December 3, 7:00 p.m.

  • Israela Brill-Cass, Senior Affiliated Faculty in Communication Studies, Conflict Communication Consultant

If conflict is everywhere (and just about anyone would agree that it is) why is it so hard for us to address it productively? As we approach the most contentious presidential election in recent history amid social, racial, and economic tensions, bonds between friends and family are being tested by conflicting viewpoints. In this episode, we’ll explore what creates conflict, what exacerbates it, and most importantly how can we “do conflict better.”


About Campus on the Common Podcast

Launched in 2019, the Campus on the Common podcast explores modern issues in media and communications, society, culture, government, healthcare, and business through the expert views of Emerson faculty and alumni.

Browse all recent episodes here. All past and future episodes are available on 

New episodes released every Thursday at 7 am EST.