The tasks for these demands are in progress. For more information, please email communityequity [at] (communityequity[at]emerson[dot]edu).
This demand seeks to ensure that issues and incidents of bias are met with respect, empathy, and action. Students want to feel safe, with their concerns validated and addressed.
Point Person(s)
Individuals involved:
Specific Actions
- Create a direct mechanism for reporting incidents to relevant areas of the College.
- Create a new website and increase its profile.
- Add actions taken to the annual reporting to the campus in aggregate form.
Streamlined reporting procedures with easy-to-find, navigable resources on the College website.
Academic Affairs
New Bias Flowchart for academic issues, new intake process, and guidelines for departments chairs.
Campus Life
Revise student handbook language with clearer directions for navigating the process for potential bias-related student violations of College policy.
Dates/Timeframe Updates
No later than the end of the spring semester.