Commitment 1: 

  • Overview: Student advisory boards and committees are used sparingly and intentionally and membership is diverse and inclusive of students with disabilities.
  • Point Person(s): Jim Hoppe
  • Updates:
    • Fall 2021: Invitations to committees are publicized across multiple platforms in order to attract disabled students to leadership roles.

Commitment 2:

  • Overview: Students are compensated for their participation on advisory boards and committees.
  • Point Person(s): Ruthanne Madsen
  • Updates: 
    • Students participating on the Presidential Advisory Groups for Community & Equity have the option of being compensated. Compensation for student committee work must be approved and at this time is only applicable to presidential committees focused on community priorities. 
    • Fall 2021: Invitation to participate on PAG sent to students during the week of 9/13. Applications resulted in the addition of 16 students to the PAG, in addition to 10 students from 2020-2021.