You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. The following form requesting data from the Office of Institutional Research (IR) is intended for use by Emerson College faculty and staff only.For institutional information not available on our website, please complete the form below.Please try to request data at least two weeks ahead of time. Depending on the request and other projects IR is working on, it may take some time to gather all the information.* Information is requiredContact Information Full Name * Department/Office * Email Address * Phone Status * Faculty Staff Other… Enter other… Please try to be as specific as possible in your description and purpose of the information needed. An example request might be “I would like totals of degree-seeking undergraduates (just juniors and seniors) in the Performing Arts department in each major for the past five academic years, including the current academic year. The purpose is to see how major totals have changed over time for academic planning purposes”. Description of the data needed: * Purpose of the information: * For what period of time? Academic Year(s) (Please select all that apply) * Academic Year(s) (Please select all that apply) * 2024-20252023-20242022-20232021-20222020-20212019-20202018-20192017-20182016-20172015-20162014-20152013-20142012-2013Other… Enter other… Semester (Please select all that apply) * Fall Spring Summer Full year Other… Enter other… What type of data are you looking for? (Please select all that apply) * Student Faculty Other… Enter other… Data Fields required in the report (Please select all that apply) * Emerson Total School Totals Department Totals Major Totals Full-Time / Part-Time Totals Headcount (Count of unique students if request spans more than one term) FTE (FT plus 1/3 PT) Student Level (Undergraduate / Graduate) Totals Student Classification (Freshman / Sophomore / Junior / Senior) Totals Degree-Seeking Totals Non-Degree-Seeking Totals Gender Totals Race / Ethnicity Totals (Reported as %) Other… Enter other… By default, reports will include all students unless specified below: Campus Location (Please select all that apply) Boston Los Angeles Kasteel Well Other… Enter other… Request Needed By: * Additional comments: Leave this field blank