Supportive Services & Initiatives

National Sexual Assault Hotline

National Sexual Assault Hotline

Offers confidential support, medical and legal information, and referrals to local resources.

800-656-HOPE (4673) (24/7)

National Domestic Violence Hotline

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Offers information on resources, safety plans, and how to support those impacted by domestic violence.

1-800-799-SAFE (7233) (24/7)

Anti-Violence Project

Anti-Violence Project

Provides counseling, advocacy, and education to LGBTQ+ and HIV-affected survivors. Call or text; English and Spanish.

212-714-1141 (24/7)

Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood

Provides healthcare services, including birth control, emergency contraception, abortion, and STD testing and treatment; 24/7 chat portal for sexual health questions.

(855) 978-0806 (Massachusetts)
(800) 576-5544 (Los Angeles)

Boston Area Rape Crisis Center

Boston Area Rape Crisis Center

Provides confidential counseling, legal advice and advocacy to help individuals who have experience sexual assault or other trauma and medical advocacy to support individuals through the evidence collection ("rape kit") process.

800-841-8371 (24/7 hotline)

Massachusetts General Hospital

Massachusetts General Hospital

Provides confidential medical treatment for injuries or other medical concerns, including those related to sexual assault. The hospital can also order Evidence Collection Kits (“rape kits”) if requested. For more information about Evidence Collection Kits, visit

617-726-2000 (24/7)

Fenway Health

Fenway Health

Provides medical and mental health care as well as a violence recovery program for members of the LGBTQ+ community and those living with HIV/AIDS.

617-267-0900information [at] (information[at]fenwayhealth[dot]org)

Victim Rights Law Center

Victim Rights Law Center

Provides free, comprehensive legal services for sexual assault victims with civil legal issues.

617-399-6720; legalhelp [at] (legalhelp[at]victimrights[dot]org)

Greater Boston Legal Services

Greater Boston Legal Services

Provides legal advice and representation to low-income individuals, including on issues of domestic violence, abuse prevention, and assistance with emergency orders of protection.


The Network/La Red

The Network/La Red

Works to end partner abuse in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, kink, polyamorous, and queer communities.

  • 617-695-0877 (office)
  • 617-742-4911 (24/7 hotline)
  • info [at] (info[at]tnlr[dot]org)

De Novo

De Novo

Provides legal and mental health services to help overcome the impacts of poverty, inequity, and trauma.


Reporting Agencies

Boston Police Department

Boston Police Department

Investigates criminal reports of Boston-based crimes; has concurrent jurisdiction with ECPD for crimes that happen on Emerson's campus.

911 (emergency)
617-343-5240 (non-emergency)

Massachusetts State Police

Massachusetts State Police

Has concurrent jurisdiction of Boston-based crimes with BPD and ECPD for crimes that happen at Emerson; licenses and investigates criminal reports against campus police officers.


US Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights (OCR)

US Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights (OCR)

Investigates discrimination complaints and pursues vigorous enforcement of civil rights in schools.

617-289-0111 (Boston)

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Works to end employment discrimination and investigates grievances.

800-669-4000 (Boston)

Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD)

Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD)

Enforces anti-discrimination laws in Massachusetts and investigates complaints.
