For immediate assistance and safety concerns in Europe, please call 112.

Find Support Abroad (Kasteel Well)

Kasteel Well offers free, confidential counseling provided by a local counseling center. Students should email emerson [at] to set up an appointment.

The Office of Equal Opportunity works with students on all of Emerson’s campuses to address incidents of discrimination, harassment, and sexual violence. Please call us at 617-824-8999 or email oeo [at] to report a concern.

Confidential support from the Healing and Advocacy Collective, Uwill, and the Center for Spiritual Life are available to Emerson students abroad. Uwill (login: Emerson email address) offers 24/7 counseling.

Students should also feel free to reach out to Student Care and Support.

Off-Campus Resources Abroad

Centrum Seksueel Geweld (CSG): Center for Sexual Violence [Netherlands]

Offers medical, forensic and psychological assistance to anyone who has recently experienced an assault or rape. Locations across the Netherlands.


Veilig Thuis (Safe Home) [Netherlands]

Provides advice and support for those affected by domestic violence.


France Victimes

Helps victims of rape and sexual assault and guides them through some aspects of the judicial process. Services in English and French.

116-006; contact [at] (contact[at]france-victimes[dot]fr)

Collectif Féministe Control le Viole (CFCV)

Provides victims of rape and sexual assault with confidential listening, support, and information about their options. Services in French and English upon request.

0 800 05 95 95

Netherlands Police

Investigate reports of criminal conduct.

112 (general emergency number)
0900-8844 (non-emergency)

National Police and Gendarmerie (France)

Investigate reports of criminal conduct.

112 (general emergency number)
17 (police)