Libby Falck

Affiliated Faculty - On Leave
Pronouns: (She/Her/Hers)
Libby Falck

Libby Falck is a civic engagement researcher and designer of games, curriculum, digital tools, and interactive experiences. She currently leads user research and product design at iCivics, a nonprofit that creates civics games and curriculum for K12 schools. Libby is also the founder of  Forward Labs, a civic technology company that emerged from her  graduate research at MIT on youth activism, game-based learning, and digital organizing strategy. Libby is passionate about the power of media to enable individuals to engage with complex systems; her mission is to design tools and experiences that transform issues into actions, empowering more people to design and implement solutions toward building a world that works.

Libby was previously a Maker Education Consultant at Autodesk, a co-founder of IDEAco, and the writer and lead creator of the K-12 design thinking curriculum the City X Project. She is also a graduate of the University of Wisconsin - Madison, a proud AmeriCorps alumna, a climate change activist, a cancer survivor, and a lifelong fan of Wisconsin lakes and streams. Libby's pronouns are she/her/hers.



B.S., University of Wisconsin
Masters, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Areas of Expertise

  • Civic Media
  • Communication Studies
  • Digital Media
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Gaming
  • Interactive Media
  • Non-Profit