
Registry for Research

Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders

Welcome to the Registry for Research at Emerson!

Registry for Research at Emerson

Do you ever wonder about how your child learns about and experiences the world? How about the processes involved in typical adult communication? Or how treatment can help people recover from communication impairments? Faculty and students in the Emerson College Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders are working to answer these questions and many more. Our goal is to contribute to the growing literature on the nature of the relationships among brain, behavior, and communication across the lifespan.

We need your help to achieve these goals, because we depend on individuals and families who are willing to volunteer their time for our research projects. We would like to invite you to help by volunteering your own time — or your child's time — to take part in one or more of our studies.

We are looking for children and adults of all ages who might be interested in participating in research. We invite anyone who is interested to sign up in the Registry for Research at Emerson; we are always looking for individuals who have communication impairments as well as those who do not. Once we have your information the registry, we can contact you when there is a new study for which that you or your child might be eligible.

Joining the Registry for Research at Emerson is voluntary. Joining the registry does not obligate you to participate in any particular research project. It means that we may contact you regarding projects as they occur and ask if you would like to be involved.

Please note that registering here is the only way we know that you are interested in hearing more about our studies, so if you might like to participate either now or in the future, please be sure to sign up here. All participants are free to withdraw from the registry at any time.

Sign Up

See below to learn more about research at Emerson College as well as meet our investigators.

Adult Language and Communication

Child Language & Communication

Normal and Disordered Swallowing

If you have any questions, contact us at 617-824-3503 or reach out to Lindsay Griffin at lindsay_griffin [at] (lindsay_griffin[at]emerson[dot]edu). or 617-824-3108.