Fall 2024–Spring 2025 (Students entering in Fall 2020 and Later)

Your bill reflects all expenses that will be charged to your student account. These include tuition, food and housing, and fees noted on the cost chart below, plus miscellaneous charges like transportation fees and finance charges, if applicable.

Fall 2024–Spring 2025

ChargeDescription of Charge Fall 2024Spring 2025Annual

Los Angeles*
Kasteel Well*

*Students attending the Los Angeles and Kasteel Well programs must be enrolled as full time students
Full-time (12–16 credits per semester)$28,016$28,016$56,032
Per credit$1,751$1,751
Overload (credits additional to full-time) per credit$1,7511,751
Audit per credit$30$30
Food and Housing

Los Angeles
Kasteel Well
Meals only (Boston)Commuter Meal Plan Options VariesVaries
FeesHealth Insurance$2,777$1,622
Tuition Insurance$111$111$222
UG Student Services Fee (Boston, Kasteel Well)$512$512$1,024
UG Student Services Fee (Boston & Kasteel Well) - Less than 6 credits$128$128$256
Los Angeles Student Services Fee$255$255
Late Registration$50$50
Los Angeles Parking Fee$600$600
Los Angeles & Kasteel Well Orientation Fee$35$35**
Kasteel Well Travel Package (Estimated)$2,100$2,100
Course Specific FeeVariesVaries

*Assessed only for new students who enroll in the Spring semester.
**Assessed only for students who enroll in the Spring semester.

View previous academic year tuition and fees.

Fall 2024–Spring 2025 (Students entering in Fall 2019 and Spring 2020)

Your bill reflects all expenses that will be charged to your student account. These include tuition, food and housing, and fees noted on the cost chart below, plus miscellaneous charges like transportation fees and finance charges, if applicable.

Fall 2024–Spring 2025

ChargeDescription of Charge Fall 2024Spring 2025Annual

Los Angeles*
Kasteel Well*

*Students attending the Los Angeles and Kasteel Well programs must be enrolled as full time students
Full-time (12–16 credits per semester)$27,600$27,600$55,200
Per credit$1,725$1,725
Overload (credits additional to full-time) per credit$1,725$1,725
Audit per credit$30$30
Food and Housing

Los Angeles
Kasteel Well
Meals only (Boston)Commuter Meal Plan Options VariesVaries
FeesHealth Insurance$2,777$1,622
Tuition Insurance$111$111$222
UG Student Services Fee (Boston, Kasteel Well)$512$512$1,024
UG Student Services Fee (Boston & Kasteel Well) - Less than 6 credits$128$128$256
Los Angeles Student Services Fee$255$255
Late Registration$50$50
Los Angeles Parking Fee$600$600
Los Angeles & Kasteel Well Orientation Fee$35$35**
Kasteel Well Travel Package (Estimated)$2,100$2,100
Course Specific FeeVariesVaries

*Assessed only for new students who enroll in the Spring semester.
**Assessed only for students who enroll in the Spring semester.

View previous academic year tuition and fees.

Fall 2024–Spring 2025 (Students entering prior to Fall 2019)

Your bill reflects all expenses that will be charged to your student account. These include tuition, food and housing, and fees noted on the cost chart below, plus miscellaneous charges like transportation fees and finance charges, if applicable.

Fall 2024–Spring 2025

ChargeDescription of Charge Fall 2024Spring 2025Annual

Los Angeles*
Kasteel Well*

*Students attending the Los Angeles and Kasteel Well programs must be enrolled as full time students
Full-time (12–16 credits per semester)$27,248$27,248$54,496
Per credit$1,703$1,703
Overload (credits additional to full-time) per credit$1,703$1,703
Audit per credit$30$30
Food and Housing

Los Angeles
Kasteel Well
Meals onlyCommuter Meal Plan Options VariesVaries
FeesHealth Insurance$2,777$1,622
Tuition Insurance$111$111$222
UG Student Services Fee (Boston, Kasteel Well)$512$512$1,024
UG Student Services Fee (Boston & Kasteel Well) - Less than 6 credits$128$128$256
Los Angeles Student Services Fee$255$255
Late Registration$50$50
Los Angeles Parking Fee$600$600
Los Angeles & Kasteel Well Orientation Fee$35$35**
Kasteel Well Travel Package (Estimated)$2,100$2,100
Course Specific FeeVariesVaries

*Assessed only for new students who enroll in the Spring semester.
**Assessed only for students who enroll in the Spring semester.

View previous academic year tuition and fees.

Billing Schedule

Emerson College generates electronic tuition statements once a semester. Statements can be viewed through TouchNet by logging in as a student through myEmerson, or as an Authorized User. Email notifications will be sent to students and their Authorized Users each time a new tuition statement has been uploaded.

  • Fall semester statements are available in late June and are due August 2.
  • Spring semester statements are available in mid-November and are due December 15.
  • Please adhere to the billing due date to avoid having your registration terminated. Students with unresolved account balances will automatically be deregistered. For additional information, please read our Financial Policies.
  • Authorized Users can be updated on myEmerson, under the Student Services tab by clicking on "Make a Payment."

Cost of Attendance

In addition to your Direct Costs (tables above), the Cost of Attendance includes indirect costs not billed by Emerson College. These indirect costs include Individual Travel Costs, Off-Campus Living, Books and Supplies, and Miscellaneous Expenses are. Figures provided for these indirect costs are estimates only, and will vary from student to student. 

Travel Costs (In-State)$810
Travel Costs (Out-of-State)$1,450
Off-Campus Living Expenses$17,866
Books and Supplies$1,250
Miscellaneous Expenses$4,760

Summer 2025 Tuition & Fees

Summer bills are due April 18, 2025. If you register on or after April 18, payment is due at the time of registration.

If your payment is not settled, your course(s) will automatically be dropped from your schedule. 

  • Undergraduate per credit rate: $876 per credit
  • Registration Fee per part of term: $35 per part of term

View International Study & External Programs, summer tuition and fees.

View Professional Studies summer tuition and fees.