The list of behaviors in this section and subsequent sections may constitute a violation of College policy. The behaviors listed here are intended to be illustrative, but the list is not exhaustive. Students are expected to engage in responsible decision-making at all times, and that begins with a knowledge of the information contained in all College policies, including the Code of Community Standards. The College reserves the right to refer students to the Office of Community Standards when a student’s actions are reported to disrupt the community, cause harm to others, or are otherwise not aligned with College policy.

Academic Integrity

Any behavior that violates the Academic Misconduct Policy, which includes, but is not limited to, cheating, dishonesty, forgery, plagiarism, and unauthorized use of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Additional examples of actions that violate existing academic integrity expectations in the context of remote learning include, but are not limited to, falsifying one’s identity in online interactions with classmates or faculty, falsifying one’s identity for class participation, and providing log-in or other credentials to individuals who are not authorized to access class sessions or other academic resources.

Aiding or Abetting

Helping, encouraging, or procuring another person to engage in any violation of College policy

Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy


Any violation of the College’s Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy specific to alcohol, which includes, but is not limited to:

  • Possessing or consuming alcohol under the legal drinking age.
  • Serving or providing alcohol to individuals that are under the legal drinking age.
  • Being in the presence of alcohol while under the legal drinking age.
  • Over Intoxication including but not limited to needing medical attention, destructive behavior, vandalism, etc., regardless of age.
  • Illegal or unauthorized manufacture, distribution, or social sharing of alcoholic beverages.
  • Possessing alcohol paraphernalia including, but not limited to, empty containers (bottles, cans, etc.).
  • Providing opportunities for heavy drinking, including but not limited to drinking games, funnels, punch bowls, pong tables, etc.


We recognize the historical and ongoing harmful effects of privilege and marginalization reflected in the term “marijuana.” THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), CBD (cannabidiol), and Hemp are all products derived from the cannabis plant. The term “marijuana” specifically refers to THC and is used as the term in most legal documentation. Emerson does not allow the consumption of THC-based products on our campus and will refer to such products using the term “marijuana.”

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has approved legislation to legalize the recreational use of marijuana by people at or over the age of 21. Emerson College remains subject to federal law, including the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, in order to remain eligible for federal funding to the College.

In accordance with federal law, and Emerson’s Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy, Emerson maintains a prohibition on the use of marijuana. This means that all students, regardless of age, are prohibited from the use, sale, manufacturing, distribution, possession, and/or social sharing of marijuana on campus. Prohibited conduct on campus includes, but is not limited to, the following examples:

  • Possession or use of marijuana, including medicinal and recreational on-campus and/or on College property.
  • Possession or use of any drug paraphernalia (i.e. pipes, bongs, hookahs, etc.).
  • Manufacture, or attempted or actual distribution or social sharing of any illegal drug or drug paraphernalia (i.e. pipes, bongs, hookahs, etc.).
  • Attempted or actual sale, distribution, social sharing or manufacturing of marijuana-based products.


Any violation of the College’s Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy specific to drugs, including which includes, but is not limited to:

  • Possession or use of other illegal drugs (i.e. cocaine, MDMA, heroin, hallucinogens, etc.).
  • Attempted or actual sale, distribution, social sharing or manufacturing of illegal drugs (i.e. cocaine, MDMA, heroin, hallucinogens, etc.).
  • Impairment as a result of the use of illegal drugs or misuse of prescription or over-the-counter medication.
  • Unlawful possession, unlawful use, abuse, or attempted or actual distribution, social sharing or manufacturing of any controlled substance (i.e., prescription drug), over-the-counter medication, non-prescription synthetic drugs, or any substance used as a means of impairment.
  • Knowingly being in the presence of someone using or possessing an illegal drug.
  • Over intoxication as a result of the use of an illegal drug, including but not limited to needing medical attention, destructive behavior, vandalism, etc.

Campus Posters Policy

Any violation of the Campus Posters Policy.

The unauthorized duplication or downloading of copyrighted materials. Refer to the Copyright Policy for more information.

Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Violence (sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking, sexual exploitation)

Any conduct that violates the Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment & Sexual Violence is prohibited. This would include conduct based on any of the protected categories, such as race, color, national origin, ethnicity, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, religion, disability, age, and other protected identities.

Disorderly And Disruptive Behavior

Any behaviors or activities that are disruptive to or negatively affect other Emerson community members, safety, the College’s operations, the College’s relationships with the city, its community, or other institutions. Including but not limited to:

  • Virtual and in-person disruptions to learning.
  • Throwing or dropping items out of windows.
  • Any interference with the daily life of our College community.
  • Intentional or reckless interference of College operations or activities including, but not limited to, teaching, research, housing, campus events, enrollment processes, campus visits, administration, police, fire, or emergency services.
  • Bullying or cyber-bullying, including but not limited to doxing and/or direct messaging on social media platforms, emails, and verbal communication to others.

Violations of this policy that are intended to or have the effect of interfering with campus safetyor essential college activities, including but not limited to move-in or move-out, commencement, and admissions events, will carry increased disciplinary sanctions.

Endangering the Health or Safety of Self or Others

Any behavior that threatens or endangers the health and/or safety of oneself or others, which can include physical, verbal, or electronic abuse, intimidation, harassment, coercion, and/or other conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person or the community. Behaviors include, but are not limited to:

  • Physical abuse or assault.
  • Abusive communication (written or verbal), threats, intimidation, stalking, harassment or coercion. Also read the College’s policy against Discrimination, Harassment & Sexual Violence.
  • Infliction or threat of physical harm that endangers the health or safety of others, harms property, or disrupts others’ enjoyment of their rights or engagement in the community.
  • Not following and/or refusing to observe a health and safety regulations which unnecessarily endangers or threatens the health and/or safety of any person.
  • Physically following, shadowing, or otherwise surveilling an individual when they are in a space where they have a right to be present.

Failure to Comply

Failure to comply with policies, laws, or regulations established to maintain the health and safety of the community and/or failure to comply with the directions of College or public officials acting in the performance of their duties.

  • College officials include but are not limited to, all professional staff members, either full or part-time, any member of the College faculty, and student staff members.
  • Failure to comply also applies when a student is found responsible for the violation of any College policy while completing Housing or College Probation.
  • Public Officials include but are not limited to firefighters, EMS personnel, and police officers acting within the scope of their authority.

False Identification or Information

  • Knowingly providing false information, including but not limited to:
    1. Forgery, altering official documents, or falsifying identification.
    2. Making a false report of any emergency (i.e. bomb, fire, medical, etc.) on or off campus by means of activating a fire alarm or in any other manner.
    3. Misleading or making false reports or giving false information in any College process, investigation, meeting, or proceeding.
    4. Knowingly providing false identification, or failing to identify oneself, to College staff, including student staff, acting in the performance of their duties.
    5. Knowingly or recklessly circulating or posting false information for the purpose of demeaning or harassing another individual or group within the campus community.

Fire Safety

  • Unauthorized possession or use of candles, incense, or any open flames in College facilities.
  • Intentionally or recklessly misusing or damaging fire or other safety equipment.
  • Causing or attempting to cause a fire or adding to unauthorized fires.
  • Blocking or impeding a fire door, egress, or fire safety equipment.
  • Any storage, possession, or use of items that are widely known to be a fire risk in any College-owned or leased facility, vehicle (including transportation buses), or at any College-sponsored event.
    • Prohibited items include but are not limited to: hover-boards, self-propelled and electric scooters, electronic bikes, and similar devices.


Gambling, including the sale of raffle tickets. Refer to the Gambling Policy for more information.


A guest is defined as any individual who is not a student, faculty, staff member and is hosted by a student, faculty member, or staff member. The full College guest policy can be found here. Students are responsible for the actions of their guests.

A guest in the residence halls includes any person who does not currently have a housing assignment in an Emerson residence hall. Any guest visiting a College residence hall must be at least 17 years of age and possess a state-issued or government ID. Refer to the Housing and Residential Education Guest Policy for additional guest policy information.


Any behavior or activity that violates the Hazing Policy.

Invasion of Privacy

All forms of invasion of privacy, including but not limited to the audio or video recording, filming, photographing, viewing, transmitting, publishing, or producing the image or voice of another person without the person’s knowledge and expressed consent while in an environment that is considered private or where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy. Doxing or similar actions where an individual’s private phone number, email, home address or confidential personal information are published without consent is also considered an invasion of privacy.

Local, State, Federal, & International Laws, Regulations, & Ordinances

Violations of local, state, federal, and international laws, regulations, and ordinances, whether occurring on or off campus.

Misuse of College Resources and/or College Property

  • Misuse or abuse of College resources, including both physical and digital resources.
  • Trespassing or any unauthorized presence in/on, or forcible entry into, a College facility or College-related premises, including College building roofs or fire escapes.
  • Unauthorized use or misuse of College property including, but not limited to, equipment, thermostats, technology, or keys.

Published College Policies

Violations of published College policies, rules, regulations, or student organization rights and responsibilities.

Residence Hall Policies

Any violation of the Residence Hall Policies, whether as a resident or as a guest. See the Housing and Residence Education Policies for complete details.

Retaliation or Intimidation

Retaliation or intimidation against an individual or group for reporting a College policy violation or cooperating with any College-related investigation, process, or activity. Retaliation and intimidation includes, but is not limited to, any harmful action taken against a person because of their participation in any College activity or process.

The College recognizes that retaliation and intimidation can take many forms, including but not limited to, defamation, verbal/physical acts intended to cause fear and coercion. Retaliation and intimidation can happen in-person or virtually within digital platforms and social media. It can be committed by an individual or a group, and those reporting concerns, responding to allegations, and witnesses can each commit and/or be the subject of retaliatory or intimidating behavior.


The use of any device made or constructed to inhale smoke is prohibited in any College-owned, -operated, -leased, or -controlled facility, including but not limited to pipes, vape pens, cigarettes, etc.

  • Smoking, including the use of electronic smoking devices in any College-owned, -operated, -controlled, or -leased facility or vehicle or an area otherwise designated as “no smoking,” is prohibited.
  • Any violation of the College’s Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy specific to tobacco.

Student Organization Policies

Any violation of Student Organization Policies. See the Student Organization Policies for complete details.

Theft, Receipt, or Possession of Stolen Property

Attempted or actual theft of property or services; knowingly receiving or being in possession of stolen property.

Use of Name, Image, Likeness, and Creative Works

A student or student organization may not, on any posting, advertisement, or other communications, utilize the name, image, likeness, or creative work of any other person or entity without express consent of that person or entity. This policy includes, but is not limited to, logos, photographs, artwork, digital media, writings, or artistic renderings. This policy would not be interpreted to prohibit individuals from posting group photos of events/activities on social media unless those photographed specifically requested not to be in included.

Vandalism and Unauthorized Alteration or Damage

Attempted and/or actual vandalism to facilities or personal property. The damage, destruction, defacement, or otherwise unwelcomed alteration (i.e. unauthorized chalking, postering, papering or removing/altering, etc.) of College property or the property of others.


Emerson College Prohibits:

  • Unauthorized storage, possession, and/or use of firearms, fireworks, dangerous weapons, weapons used for sparring or fighting, or hazardous chemicals on College premises or at College-sponsored activities. This includes, but is not limited to, guns, ammunition, nunchakus or karate sticks, switchblades, mace, pepper spray, firecrackers, tear gas, or other dangerous weapons or articles.
  • Unauthorized storage, possession, and/or use of knives except for the appropriate use of butter/table knives without a serrated edge or non-locking pocket knives with a single edge no longer than 2.75” in length.
    • Any prop weapon must be in compliance with the weapons policy and not stored or possessed on Emerson’s campus without proper approval documentation from the appropriate office(s).
    • Any multitool that contains a blade must comply with this policy regardless if the intended use of the tool is related to academics, student productions, or any other use.
    • Using any bladed item (including kitchen utensils) for a dangerous, harmful, or threatening purpose is prohibited and such items will be treated as a weapon for the purposes of campus policies when they are used in such a way.
    • Possession of realistic replicas of firearms or other dangerous weapons is also prohibited on Emerson property or at Emerson-sponsored events (e.g., film shoots, performances) other than when being employed during a College-sanctioned rehearsal or production.
  • See the Weapons Policy for additional details and rules.