All currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students & student organizations must have their posters reviewed and approved for posting. Academic departments and staff departments do not need a Campus Life Approval Stamp from Campus Life but must follow the Campus Poster Policy below. Academic and staff posters must be connected to an Emerson event, meeting, project, audition, training, application, etc. 

Posters are defined as digital or printed material whose purpose is to publicize or inform the Emerson community about a certain event, audition process, call for applications, and other communications that an organization or individual may be hosting or promoting. Postings that do not meet that definition, including but not limited to those for personal, external (non-Emerson) events/marketing, or other solicitations, are not allowed.

All posters submitted by an Emerson student or student organization must have an official Campus Life Approval Stamp. Student organizations are strongly encouraged to show posters to their advisors prior to obtaining an approval  stamp.

(Please allow at least one full business day before following up on approval status)

A singular original physical poster must be brought to the Campus Life Suite (Walker Building. rm 411 - 120 Boylston Street, 4th floor) at least one week before the poster is to be posted or placed (You only need to bring ONE poster).

  • All digital posters submitted on EmConnect will be reviewed for approval by Student Engagement and Leadership 
  • All digital posters used must have prior written approval and be identical to the physical copy approved by Campus Life.  
  • All posters must have an Emerson College email address (for the Registered Student Organization, Interest Group, or Department) displayed in order to be approved.
  • If connected to an academic course or project, it must have the course name and professor listed on the poster and meet requirements for Event Approval. 
  • A signed Emerson College contract must be on file and signed by appropriate Emerson College staff  for any event that: 
    • Is hosted by a registered student organization (these events must be approved by SEAL)
    • Is off-campus (note: non-registered student organizations and interest groups are not permitted to host off-campus events)
    • Hosts, credits, and/or references a speaker, artist, performer, or any non-Emerson affiliated individual on campus (including alumni)
      • Note: if a speaker, artist, performer, venue, etc. would like Emerson to sign their personal/company contract, this contract must be reviewed and signed by SEAL/Procurement. Contracts are recommended to be submitted at least 1 month in advance for review.
  • A permit is required for any event held on property governed by federal, state, city, or local authorities, including the Boston Common. Student organizations should contact SEAL to initiate this process. For all other departments, please coordinate with the Government Relations department

Poster Guidelines

  • Individuals and groups may not post or place any poster without the original copy being stamped by Campus Life or approved on EmConnect by Student Engagement and Leadership. Unregistered postings will be removed, and the student organization or individual will be contacted.
  • All registered posters will receive a Campus Life approval sticker with  the approved posting dates. Posters will be approved for no more than 3 weeks of posting, at the discretion of Campus Life. Groups may copy that poster for more general distribution, but the copied posters must still contain the image of the approval sticker. 
  • Poster approval does not imply College endorsement for any event or associated viewpoint.
  • Students/student organizations must remove all posters within 24 hours of the approved posting dates. 
  • If a student or student organization makes any edits/alterations to a poster after it has been approved, the poster MUST be reapproved by Campus Life.
  • No poster may be placed or distributed that alludes to, depicts, promotes, invites, or encourages alcohol or other illegal drug consumption.
  • Non–Emerson related events and activities will not be approved for posting.
  • Posters that contain false/non-factual information will not receive approval. Any posters looking to inform the campus community about particular topics, current events, social issues, etc. must contain citations of where the information was obtained and the information must be from credible sources. 
  • Posters cannot be used with the purpose to harm, bully, or harass other Emerson community members/organizations and must follow Emerson College’s Code of Community Standards. These postings will not be approved and may be subject to investigation by the Office of Community Standards, Office of Equal Opportunity, and/or the Office of Student Engagement and Leadership if necessary.
  • Proof of written permission must be shown in order to use the name, image, or likeness of any individuals/groups on the poster. Permission must be shared with Campus Life before approval is granted.
  • Advertised events, services, and educational information cannot be in violation of Emerson College policies, including but not limited to all policies outlined in the Code of Community Standards.
  • Emerson College student organizations’ EmConnect postings and other college-hosted or affiliated posting methods, including but not limited to email and social media accounts, must abide by the Emerson College Poster Policy.
  • If items are posted in violation of this policy, an individual or group may lose their posting privileges. Posting non-approved material may be referred to the Office of Community Standards for appropriate follow-up.

Campus Posting Areas

  • Signs, advertisements, and other materials may be posted on authorized bulletin boards only. All other postings will be removed, and the organization or individual will be contacted.
  • Posters should be affixed to bulletin boards with tacks only. No staples, tape, or other adhesives, either on a bulletin board or other surface, are permitted. The posters will be removed and the organization or individual will be contacted.
  • No posters may be placed in elevators, on fire escapes, walls, doors, windows, bathroom stalls, mirrors, fences, lampposts, mailboxes, trees, or any area that is not on the “approved for campus postings” list.
  • Posters, advertisements, and other notices are not permitted to be slipped under or placed on residence hall room doors without the approval of the Director of Housing and Residential Education.

Questions about a specific building posting policy may be directed as follows: to Campus Life or the following as appropriate:

  • 172 Tremont/Student Performance Center: Director, Campus Centers - campuscenter [at] (campuscenter[at]emerson[dot]edu)
  • Residence Halls: Residence Director - hre [at] (hre[at]emerson[dot]edu)
  • All other campus buildings: Student Engagement and Leadership - seal [at] (seal[at]emerson[dot]edu)

Please note: Failure to abide by these policies may lead to loss of posting privileges, student organization status, and/or disciplinary action.

Authorized Bulletin Board Spaces

The following is a list of authorized bulletin board spaces on campus and are the ONLY places approved for campus postings.

172 Tremont Street

Located on each floor of the building - 5 bulletin boards

2 Boylston Place Residence Hall (2 Boylston Place)

Lobby – 1 bulletin board

Ansin Building (180 Tremont Street)

  • Lower Level -–1 bulletin board in between elevators 
  • 2nd-3rd Floor – 1 bulletin board on each floor by elevator 
  • 4th Floor – 2 bulletin boards (1 by elevator, the other is off to the right)
  • 5th Floor – 3 bulletin boards (1 by elevators, the others off to the left and right)
  • 6th Floor – 2 bulletin boards (1 by elevators, the other off to the right) 
  • 7th-13th Floor – 1 bulletin board on each floor in between elevators

Dining Center

  • Entrance to Center Stage via Boylston Place Alley – arranged by day of week 
  • Stage – 1 bulletin board 

Piano Row (150 Boylston Street)

Main floor near computer kiosks – 2 bulletin boards

Student Performance Center (80 Boylston Street)

  • Main stairwell leading to the lower level – 1 bulletin board
  • Lower Level 1 bulletin board (near restrooms)

Tufte Performance and Production Center (10 Boylston Place)

  • 8th Floor – 1 bulletin board (Towards end of the hallway)
  • 9th Floor – 1 bulletin board
  • 11th Floor – 1 bulletin board (It is through the door in front of elevators) 

Union Bank Building (216 Tremont Street)

  • Main Floor – Small bulletin board next to classroom
  • 2nd Floor – Small bulletin board by elevators
  • 3rd Floor – 1 bulletin board immediately left out of elevator
  • 5th Floor – 2 bulletin boards
  • 6th Floor – 2 bulletin boards-Career Services, ASK to post-Academic Advising

Walker (120 Boylston Street)

  • 3rd Floor – 1 bulletin board
  • 4th Floor – 3 bulletin boards
  • 5th Floor – 5 bulletin boards (Library Study rooms, and 2 towards the TPPC)
  • 6th Floor – 2 bulletin boards

Digital Signage Screens

Student Engagement & Leadership (SEAL) offers opportunities for student organizations, departments, and associated Emerson College community members to promote their projects, events, and organizations on digital signage screens throughout campus.

For the purpose of these guidelines, digital signage refers to the physical screens located around campus, whereas content refers to the images, videos, and documents to be displayed.

How to get your Digital Content Approved

All student organizations must have their digital content reviewed and approved by SEAL for upload and display to the digital signage screens. Student organizations are strongly encouraged to show their content to their advisors prior to submitting for approval and posting.

Campus Departments & Academic Departments do not need to have content approved by the Office of Student Engagement & Leadership. All departmental postings must clearly display the sponsoring department and will be removed at the end of its scheduled posting dates.

Policies and Guidelines

All content must meet the standards for posting on campus. Please refer to the original Campus Posting Guidelines.

  • Content must include the name of the sponsoring student organization or department
  • Content must be submitted with contact information
  • Submissions must include a start and end date for the content to be displayed, with a maximum of up to 3 weeks. 
  • All content must include an Emerson College email address displayed in order to be approved.
  • All content advertising a fundraiser or donations solicitation must have an approved Fundraising Form on file with the Office of Student Engagement & Leadership before the content may be approved for display.
  • All content advertising an event hosted by a recognized student organization in an off-campus location must have a signed contract on file before the content may be approved for display. For non-SGA recognized individuals and organizations, they must additionally show proof of liability insurance before the content may be approved. The Director of Student Engagement and Leadership must review and approve all contracts for organizations.
  • No content will be approved that allude to, depict, promote, invite, or encourage alcohol or other illegal drug consumption.
  • No content will be approved that promotes an event where students under the legal drinking age are likely to be served or obtain alcoholic beverages.
  • No content will be approved for non–College sponsored events at which alcohol will be served or consumed.
  • No content for non–Emerson related events and activities will be approved for posting.
  • If an Emerson-related event is to take place on property under the jurisdiction of a governmental entity, such as city, state or federal institution, a permit must be obtained through the Office of Government and Community Relations. Proof of a permit must be submitted before content will be approved.
  • If an Emerson organization wishes to reference or credit a non-Emerson entity, a formal contract outlining the relationship will be required before content may be approved. The Director of Student Engagement and Leadership must review and approve all contracts for organizations.
  • Content that contains false/non-factual information will not be approved. Any content looking to inform the campus community about particular topics, current events, social issues, etc. must contain citations of where information was obtained from and must be credible sources. 
  • Content cannot be used with the purpose to harm, bully, or harass other Emerson community members/organizations and must follow Emerson College’s Code of Community Standards. This content will not be approved and may be subject to investigation by the Office of Community Standards and the SEAL office if deemed necessary.

Please note: Failure to abide by these policies may lead to loss of physical and digital posting privileges and/or referral to the Office of Community Standards.


Digital signage screens available for content to be displayed on can be found in the following locations:

  • 172 Tremont - The Hub lounge, main floor
  • 25 Boylston Place - Entrance
  • 2 Boylston - Lobby
  • *other locations will be added in the future

How to Submit your Digital Content 

Proper file format and size is integral to ensuring your content is displayed correctly. You can submit your digital content through this online form.

Content dimensions should be in a 16:9 aspect ratio, i.e., 1920x1080 pixels, in a landscape orientation.

Please note: Our file size limit is 1GB maximum.

Disclaimer: Your uploaded content is stored in the cloud and managed by cloud providers such as Amazon and Google.

The following information is derived from ScreenCloud’s article: “ScreenCloud Content Management: Supported File Types & How Content Is Converted.”

Preferred File Types for Digital Content


As all image content will be converted into JPG files, please note that the preferred file type for images is JPEG. The following file types are acceptable:

  • GIF
  • JPEG
  • PDF
  • PNG
  • TIFF

Please note: GIF files should be submitted as an MP4 due to the conversion of image files to JPG.


As all video signage will be converted into MP4 (h264, 1080p) files, please note that the preferred file type for videos is MPEG-4. The following file types are acceptable:

  • MP4
  • MOV
  • WMV
  • QuickTime

Please note: 

  • Video files should be limited to 30 seconds or less
  • The cloud service we use for file conversion does not support video files that are encoded with Apple's ProRes. They need to be standard AVC encoding.


Documents are converted into PNG for higher quality, though thumbnail on signage is JPG for web performance. The following file types are acceptable:

  • PDF
  • TXT
  • HTML
  • DOC
  • DOCX
  • PPT

Please note:

  • Multipage PDFs will play like a slideshow
  • Please limit the number of pages or slides to display to what can be read in under 30 seconds total
  • If creating a presentation in KeyNote, you must export to a Powerpoint (PPT) format
  • PowerPoint (PPT, PPTM, PPTX) read-only files with embedded fonts currently are not supported or displayed properly. In order to resolve this, you will need to use the Embed all characters' options when saving their PowerPoint file. For example, this can be accessed from your PowerPoint file settings as pictured below using Powerpoint M365 on macOS:

This policy will be interpreted consistently with, and does not, and is not intended to, limit the legal rights of employees to engage in concerted or protected activities under the National Labor Relations Act. Additionally, In jurisdictions where this policy is inconsistent with local law, Emerson College will articulate location-specific guidelines.