If, upon review of a report, the College determines that an individual is considered an imminent threat to the community, continues to engage in unsafe or disruptive behavior after being directed by College staff to cease such behavior, or when advisable to protect the physical, social, or emotional well-being of the College community, the Associate Vice President for Campus Life, or designee, may invoke interim administrative measures, which can include, but are not limited to, College directives, immediate residence hall relocation or removal, or immediate suspension from the College, pending the outcome of the Student Conduct Process.

Interim administrative measures are typically issued prior to an investigation of potential misconduct. As such, they are issued without a finding of responsibility for a violation, and will not be considered as evidence indicating responsibility for any potential violation. Any potential violations will be investigated and addressed through the Student Conduct Process. Any interim administrative measure will remain in effect pending the outcome of the Student Conduct Process. 

Examples of Interim Administrative Measures

Interim Residence Hall Relocation

In collaboration with the Assistant Dean and Director of Housing, Residential Education, and/or other other appropriate offices, departments, and teams, the  Associate Vice President for Campus Life, or their designee, may deem it appropriate to administratively relocate to another campus housing location. A relocation specifically means a loss of the privilege of remaining in current housing assignment and requires a student to relocate to another housing assignment on campus. This relocation may be permanent or temporary, at the discretion of the Associate Vice President for Campus Life, or their designee.

A student may be relocated to any campus residence hall space at the discretion of the Associate Vice President for Campus Life, or designee, however, under this policy, a student’s bill will not be modified as a result of an administrative relocation.

All appropriate steps and requirements of a relocation will be shared with a student via a formal notice letter. These steps and requirements will include, at minimum: 

  1. The space to which the student is being relocated
  2. The timeline for the relocation to be completed
  3. Directions on whether or not the student may leave behind any belongings in their original housing assignment
  4. Restrictions, if applicable, related to entry into other campus residential spaces

Interim Residence Hall Removal

In collaboration with the Assistant Dean and Director of Housing, Residential Education, and/or other other appropriate offices, departments, and teams, the  Associate Vice President for Campus Life, or designee, may deem it appropriate to administratively remove a student from campus housing, pending the outcome of the student conduct process.

An interim Residence Hall Suspension is defined as the loss of the privilege of living in campus housing or campus affiliated housing for the duration of the student conduct process. A Suspension from College Housing is applicable to any campus-owned or -leased residences wherever located, including at all external programs. Those who fail to comply with any Suspension from College Housing conditions are considered trespassers and are subject to additional disciplinary action.

An interim residence hall suspension also prohibits a student from entering or attempting to enter any Emerson College dining facility, unless otherwise specified, without written authorization from the Assistant Dean and Director of Housing, Residential Education, Student Conduct, or their designee.

All appropriate steps and requirements of a relocation will be shared with a student via a formal notice letter. These steps and requirements will include, at minimum:

  1. The timeline for the move out to be completed
  2. The process the student must complete to return their key and check out of the space
  3. An outline of all restrictions and expectations, consistent with this policy

An interim residence hall suspension will not be noted on a student’s transcript.

Interim Suspension

After consultation, if needed, with the appropriate offices, departments, and risk assessment teams, the Associate Vice President for Campus Life, or their designee, may deem it appropriate to administratively remove a student from campus, pending the outcome of the student conduct process. Interim suspensions are used when there is a concern over safety , risk of significant campus disruptions, or risk to the wellbeing of students involved in an alleged incident or the greater campus community. An interim suspension will continue through the entirety of a student conduct process unless an appeal of the interim suspension is granted or the Associate Vice President for Campus Life, or their designee, removes the interim suspension upon receipt of new information.

An interim suspension prohibits a student from entering or attempting to enter any Emerson College building or residence hall, including those at external program sites, without written authorization from the Associate Vice President for Campus Life, or their designee. An interim suspension also prohibits a student from attending any Emerson sponsored activity or event without written authorization from the Associate Vice Presidentfor Campus Life, or their designee.

An interim suspension will not be noted on a students transcript, and any coursework missed during the time of the interim suspension will be allowed to be made up, should the student be reinstated after the conclusion of the student conduct process.

Other Interim Measures

After consultation with the appropriate offices, departments, and risk assessment teams, the Associate Vice President for Campus Life has the authority to institute additional interim measures not outlined here. Any interim administrative measure provided to a student will be thoroughly explained in a formal notice letter. This notice letter will provide all relevant details and information regarding the interim administrative measure, including all limitations and/or expectations for compliance with the measure. 

Appeals of an Interim Administrative Measure

A student who is issued an interim administrative measure may, within 3 business days, appeal the interim administrative measure to the Office of Community Standards for consideration. A student may submit an appeal of an interim administrative measure through fully completing this form.

Within 3 business days of receiving the appeal of the interim administrative measure, the Office of Community Standards will issue a decision regarding the appeal. The decision will be shared with the student via a formal notice sent to their Emerson email account or other appropriate written notification method. At the discretion of the Office of Community Standards, the interim administrative measure may be kept in place, modified, or removed based on the appeal outcome. At no point will the staff member that issued the interim administrative measure be designated as the appeal decision maker.

Any appeal of an interim administrative measure must make a case that falls within one of the below listed categories. Dissatisfaction with the decision to issue the interim administrative measure is not sufficient grounds for an appeal and will not be considered.

Grounds for an appeal include:

  • Significant, new information (previously unknown) that has been revealed or discovered which materially alter the facts of the matter and may alter the decision to issue an interim administrative measure
  • A lack of fairness in the procedures or process that led to the determination to issue the interim administrative measure

All appeal decisions made by the Office of Community Standards are final. No further appeals of an interim administrative measure will be granted once this process is exhausted.