Mission Statement

The Faculty Development and Research Council (FDRC) advises the College administration on issues that affect the research success of our faculty and students, including policies, procedures, and resources that will enhance the ability of the College to realize its potential for distinction in research, creative and scholarly activities.

Committee Membership

The FDRC consists of the Executive Director of Research and Creative Scholarship and eight full-time faculty members--one representing and elected by the faculty within each department, plus a representative from the Marlboro Institute for Liberal Arts and Interdisciplinary Studies. Representatives shall be elected by the April meeting of the Faculty Assembly. Representatives serving on the FDRC may not apply for funding from any of the internal grant programs for which the FDRC serves as the review committee. 

Committee Leadership

The FDRC is co-chaired by the Executive Director of Research and Creative Scholarship, and a faculty member elected from the FDRC membership.


The FDRC does not have any formal institutional authority.


The FDRC will gather information and report to the Faculty Assembly on:

  • Faculty research and faculty mentoring activities taking place at the departmental, school, and college levels.
  • New or proposed policies and procedures related to faculty research/scholarship, proposal submission, and grants management; new or proposed changes to existing policies and procedures. 

Additionally, members are expected to report such information to their departmental colleagues and senior administrators.

FDRC members serve as liaisons between their departments and ORCS and the College’s grants management infrastructure. FDRC members relay faculty information, needs, and complaints related to research and scholarship to the Office of Research and Creative Scholarship (ORCS).

The FDRC will establish rules and procedures for reviewing and ranking applications received for two of the College’s internal grant programs: The Faculty Advancement Fund Grant (FAFG) and Norm and Irma Mann Stearns Distinguished Faculty Award.

FDRC members will serve as reviewers for all eligible applications for these programs, in accordance with a schedule and procedures established and agreed upon by the Council. The FDRC Chair will submit funding recommendations to the Provost based upon these reviews, which will inform the final awardee selections.

Members of the FDRC shall establish standing procedures for soliciting and reviewing candidates for external limited submission grant programs. The FDRC’s recommendations shall be submitted to the Provost for final selection.


The FDRC shall meet monthly during the academic year. For any month in which a meeting is not scheduled due to lack of member availability or scheduling difficulties, the FDRC Chair shall send all relevant documentation and updates via email, and may seek members’ input on specific items prior to the next scheduled meeting.

2024-2025 Membership

  • Communication Sciences and Disorders – Mili Mathew
  • Communication Studies – Vincent Raynauld
  • Journalism – Janet Kolodzy
  • Marketing Communication – Doug Quintal
  • Performing Arts – Chris Shin
  • Visual and Media Arts – Matan Rubinstein
  • Writing, Literature & Publishing – Sarah Cole
  • Marlboro Institute – Jennifer Girouard