The Emerson College Research Hub is positioned to support faculty advancement in research capacity and creative practice. The Hub can support faculty in identifying opportunities to advance or complete research projects.
The Hub Fund for Advancing Research seeks to provide limited funding to support faculty members in advancing their research projects. Funds are available for all faculty (tenure-line, tenured, term, affiliated).
Applicants may apply for funding each academic year between September 1 and May 1. Requests will be reviewed on a rolling basis until funds have been allocated. After receipt of your application, the Research Hub Faculty Advisory Group should have a response to applicants within two weeks.
Applicants may apply for funding amounts that will help advance or complete their research projects. This funding would augment, rather than fully fund, research projects. The Research Hub Faculty Advisory Group will review reasonable requests for funding along with rationales for the requests.
Eligible Applicants
All faculty members of Emerson College may apply for funding.
Eligible Submissions
Examples of eligible submissions can include, but are not limited to:
- completing book manuscripts/scripts including copyediting, indexing, and related work;
- fees to support research visibility: journal publishing fees, submission fees to film festivals, etc.;
- funds to attain research materials: Access to academic books, to archives, and other research-related activities.
Criteria & Considerations
- The Hub will only support research advancement opportunities after Faculty Development funds have been allocated for the academic year.
- Faculty are only allowed to attain Hub Support once per calendar year.
- Funds are limited and reserved for advancement of research, not to support the entirety of projects.
- Support for academic travel should come from Faculty Development Funds.
- Faculty members must receive written approval (such as by email) from their Dean prior to submitting an application for this funding opportunity.
Additional Considerations
All publications resulting from this fund should contain the following acknowledgment: "This research [or project] was supported in part by a grant from the Emerson College Hub Fund for Advancing Research."
Prior to completing the application form, faculty members must receive written approval (such as by email) from their Dean.
This fund utilizes Google Forms for applications. Applications will be accepted throughout the calendar year on a rolling basis.
Review and Selection of Applications
Proposals will be reviewed by the Research Hub Faculty Advisory Group.
Utilization of Funding
The Office of Research and Creative Scholarship will assist recipients in the management and utilization of their Hub Fund awards, including purchases and expense reimbursements. All expenses are subject to the College’s Travel and Business Policy. Please contact ORCS [at] (ORCS[at]emerson[dot]edu) for assistance.
Please reach out to researchhub [at] (researchhub[at]emerson[dot]edu) with any questions.