Emerson College’s graduate certificate in Political Communication offers a strong foundation in a variety of communication techniques and formats. Students also have the opportunity to take courses focused on political, strategic, and sports communication.

About the Political Communication Certificate Program

Housed in the Department of Communication Studies in the School of Communication, this hybrid certificate program comprises 16 total credit hours and can be completed in as little as two semesters. 


Required Courses (4 credits)

CC609 Political Communication

Explores fundamental theories, such as agenda setting, framing, and branding. The balancing of ethical implications confronting many political communication situations is discussed through case studies. Practical communication strategy is evaluated, looking at how the media works in general, including the news (hard and soft), entertainment programs, and advertising, in order to shape political perceptions, change attitudes, and effect behavior. Students are introduced to the latest in grassroots activism and mobilization efforts including mobile and online communication techniques to better shape civic life, elections, and policy decisions.

Three Additional Courses (12 credits)

Elective Course Listing

CC608Public Affairs4
CC623Public Diplomacy4
CC624Campaign Management4
CC604Strategic Planning and the Managerial Process4
CC651Speech Writing, Persuasion, & Propaganda4
CC621Content Development & Strategy4
CC626Crisis Communication4
CC643Global Communication4
CC628Entrepreneurship and Creative Problem Solving4
CC630Sports Communication4
CC631Event Planning4
CC632Sports as Soft Power4
CC633Sports, Culture and Society4
CC636Negotiation and Group Process4
CC640User Experience Design4
CC648Public Relations4
CC646Research Methods & Practice4
CC647Organizational Communication4
CC652Emerging Communication Technology4
CC655Project Management and Communication4
CC695Seminar in Sports Communication4

*Class offerings are subject to change by semester.

Learn more about the program, including application instructions, on the Political Communication certificate page.