Emerson College’s graduate certificate in Sports Communication provides a solid knowledge base in different aspects of sports communication. Additionally, students have the opportunity to take courses focused on political and strategic communication.

About the Sports Communication Certificate Program

Housed in the Department of Communication Studies in the School of Communication, this hybrid certificate program comprises 16 total credit hours and can be completed in as little as two semesters.


Required Courses (4 credits)

CC 630 Sports Communication

Presents an overview of the sports communication mosaic focusing on the following areas: public relations, advertising, marketing, management, coaching, sports punditry, group and team dynamics, crisis management, media relations, sports advocacy, and celebrity and spectacle in sport, as well as sports as soft power in public diplomacy at the local, national, and global level. Complementing the readings and case studies in the aforementioned areas, the course includes guest lectures from leaders in the emerging sports communication fields, thereby providing students a first-hand understanding of the challenges faced by those participating and working in this area.

Three Additional Courses (12 credits)

Elective Course Listing

CC632Sports as Soft Power4
CC633Sports, Culture and Society4
CC695Seminar in Sports Communication4
CC604Strategic Planning and the Managerial Process4
CC631Event Planning4
CC608Public Affairs4
CC621Content Development & Strategy4
CC623Public Diplomacy4
CC624Campaign Management4
CC626Crisis Communication4
CC628Entrepreneurship and Creative Problem Solving4
CC609Political Communication4
CC636Negotiation and Group Process4
CC640User Experience Design4
CC648Public Relations4
CC643Global Communication4
CC646Research Methods & Practice4
CC647Organizational Communication4
CC652Emerging Communication Technology4
CC651Speech Writing, Persuasion, & Propaganda4
CC655Project Management and Communication4

*Class offerings are subject to change by semester.

Learn more about the program, including application instructions, on the Sports Communication certificate page.