Partnering with Franklin University Switzerland, an international liberal arts university in the southern Swiss Canton of Ticino, Emerson is providing students with the unique opportunity to earn a bachelor's and a master’s degree from both Franklin and Emerson in a minimum of four years.

Students have two unique options when applying to Emerson College from Franklin University Switzerland. As part of the "3+1 program," students complete their bachelor’s degree at Franklin University Switzerland in three years. They will then enroll at Emerson during the summer of their third year, where they will finish a master’s degree. The second option allows students to complete their bachelor’s degree in four years at Franklin and then apply to Emerson with expedited admission to a master’s degree program. Each option will allow students to apply to Emerson’s Publishing and Writing, Journalism, Media Design, and Public Relations graduate programs and earn their degree in a year, at minimum.

The application fee for Emerson College will be waived for Franklin students. Franklin students who have completed their undergraduate degrees at Franklin and maintained a GPA of 3.0 or above will be offered guaranteed and expedited admission and a 20% tuition discount for a master’s degree in Publishing and Writing, Media Design, Journalism, Public Relations, Sports Communication, or Political Communication.

This program gives students the opportunity to get a liberal arts education with international immersion and exposure to the world through travel, along with a valuable professional degree—all in four years. Advisors will work with students while at Franklin to help them choose the right classes, schedules, and prerequisites to seamlessly transition to Emerson.

Learn more about the steps for applying for the following programs