Police Reports

Talking with the police may feel overwhelming. The Healing & Advocacy Collective is available to answer questions about the police process, consult before reporting to the police, go with someone to report to the police, and help after a report has already been filed.

When you contact the police, the police document this in a written report.

  • You can request a copy of their report at no cost.
  • Reports filed with ECPD are shared with the Office of Equal Opportunity Title IX Coordinator.
  • The police submit their report to the District Attorney's office, who determines whether or not to proceed with criminal charges.
  • If the District Attorney's office proceeds, the report becomes the State's criminal case against the person(s) who committed the harm. You and anyone else impacted are considered witness(es) to the case and will be asked to participate in the investigation and any court processes, such as interviews, hearings, and trials.

These processes may vary from town to town and state to state. Contact the Healing & Advocacy Collective for further information.

Emerson College Police Department (ECPD)

  • ECPD Officers are State Police Officers.
  • ECPD offers Safety Escort services: An officer will walk with an Emerson community member on and near the Boston campus.
  • Reports filed with ECPD are shared with the Title IX Coordinator.
  • ECPD refers reports of sexual assault to the local police for investigation, if the impacted individual wants them to.
  • The impacted individual(s) has the right to choose how and whether to respond to each part of an investigation.

Anyone can choose whether or not to file a report at any time.

About A Protective (Restraining) Order

A Protective Order prohibits a range of behavior including harming or contacting the person who is applying for the order. These orders are implemented by the court system. 

In order to get a protective order during business hours, you have to go to the Court Clerk’s office to apply for one. If it is granted by a judge, you have to go back to court in approximately 10 days for a hearing when a judge decides whether or not to extend it for a longer period. To apply for a protective order after business hours, you have to go to the police for an emergency order. You will still have to go to the Court Clerk’s office the next day.

Emerson College will act in accordance with the directions of Protective Orders from the court.

The Healing & Advocacy Collective can assist with answering questions about whether to apply for a Protective Order; applying; going to court; and helping to enact the order at school, work, or home.

Additional Legal Processes

There are additional off campus legal processes that someone might decide to pursue for reasons such as: accommodations, compensation, immigration, discrimination, and other grievances.

The Healing & Advocacy Collective can assist with answering questions and helping people to connect with resources. See Resources for more information.