Each vice president will receive funds to use toward a Divisional Appreciation and Recognition Program for their staff. This amount will be given annually.


The goals of a Divisional Appreciation and Recognition program are to:

  1. Enable staff to develop their own unique program that recognizes and honors members within their division who provide excellence in service, inclusion, and overall performance throughout the year.
  2. Provide developmental opportunities for staff members who are interested in working to create the program within their division.
  3. Create a culture of ongoing appreciation and recognition at Emerson.

Examples of potential components in a Divisional Appreciation and Recognition Program

  • Monetary awards (*See information on taxes below)
  • Gift cards (up to $25)
  • Thank you lunches or other department or division events
  • Books or other gifts
  • Notes of appreciation from managers to staff members
  • Public recognition of recipients at staff meetings
  • Additional personal days (in limited amounts only and subject to prior approval by the vice president)

Members of the Appreciation and Recognition Committee are available to advise divisional working groups on developing and administering your plans. This program is specifically for staff members, though faculty are encouraged to contribute to the development of the programs and to be active participants in our culture of appreciation and recognition.

*Per federal policy, awards above $25 are reportable as income to the IRS. Recipients may be asked to accept the award and complete a One-Time Cash or Non-Cash Gift Payment Form upon notification of an award.

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