Location & Hours

Office: Suite 408 
Mailing Address: 172 Tremont Street, Boston, MA 02111
Phone: 617-824-8036
Email: spiritual_life [at] emerson.edu (spiritual_life[at]emerson[dot]edu)

Meet the Chaplains

  • Amber Hai headshot
    Pronouns: (She/Her/Hers)
    Muslim Chaplain and MSA Advisor

    Hello Emerson Community! My name is Amber and I’ve been at Emerson College since May 2022 where I have the privilege and honor of serving the diverse Emerson community as the Muslim Chaplain and Advisor. Before starting at Emerson, I served as a Project Coordinator Intern at the Association of Muslims Chaplains (AMC). I recently graduated from Hartford International University for Religion and Peace (HIU) in Hartford, CT with a master’s degree in Islamic Chaplaincy. My area of focus was influenced by my experience as a Community Chaplain at a third-space in the Metro DC area, Center DC, during the Global Pandemic in 2019 and 2020. While working there, I provided one-on-one spiritual counseling in virtual spaces for folks directly impacted by the pandemic. Together, we learned how to be socially conscious of everyone in our community, regardless of socio-economic, race, gender, ethnicity, or faith background. I am a fierce advocate for Black Lives Matter, care deeply about social justice issues in the U.S. and internationally, and affirm all people irrespective of their sexual orientation or gender identity. In my spare time, I’m a novice longboarder, love to hike and be in nature, read books by the water, watch musical theater, enjoy scoping out the best Boba and sunset locations in the city, and I love having vibrant conversations with everyone I meet. :) You can reach me at amber_hai [at] emerson.edu (amber_hai[at]emerson[dot]edu).

  • Brian Indrelie headshot
    Pronouns: (He/Him/His)
    Protestant Chaplain and ECF Advisor

    Hello! I’m Brian Indrelie, and I’m the Protestant Chaplain here at Emerson College! I’ve been serving here at Emerson since 2014, and have greatly enjoyed advising Christian students from a wide variety of religious experiences and traditions during their college journey. In my role here I advise the Emerson Christian Fellowship, provide spiritual counseling, lead multiple retreats and services each year, and work together with other chaplains to provide interfaith programming. I also have a major cooking hobby, something I like to share with students as often as possible! When I’m not here, I teach theology, biblical studies, and comparative religion at a private prep school northwest of Boston. I live with my wife, Joy, and my three daughters in Haverhill, Massachusetts. If you are interested in processing anything in your spiritual life, please don’t hesitate to stop by the CSL Office on Thursday nights when I’m in, I’d love to meet you! You can also reach me almost any time at brian_indrelie [at] emerson.edu (brian_indrelie[at]emerson[dot]edu).

  • Pronouns: (She/Her/Hers)
    Jewish Chaplain and Hillel Advisor

    Originally from the North Shore of Massachusetts, I received my Bachelor’s of Art in Communications from Simmons College (now University) in 2016. As an undergrad, I spent most of my free time at Simmons’s Hillel and on air at Simmons College Radio: The Shark. After many years of working in development and fundraising in the healthcare sector, I am thrilled to return to Hillel; this time as the Jewish Life Coordinator at my alma mater, Simmons University, and the Jewish Chaplain and Hillel Advisor at Emerson College and Suffolk University. When not in the Hillel offices, you can find me baking a new dessert or bread recipe, petting neighborhood dogs, or reading a good book. You can email me at celine_sanborn [at] emerson.edu (celine_sanborn[at]emerson[dot]edu).