In the past, there has been some confusion regarding non-salary disbursements and purchasing for faculty travel and research expenses. It is important to follow the College’s financial guidelines.

Please note: This is not intended to be completely inclusive, but does serve as a reminder of some of the major points. Faculty members should review the Travel and Business Policy for more information.

General Principles

The College’s research and travel funds are reimbursed upon completion of the travel through Workday. The most important points to remember are:

  1. Typically, funds must be expended during the fiscal years for which they are awarded. The College’s budgeting system is based on the fiscal year (July 1 - June 30). Please note that the reimbursement process takes a minimum of two weeks. Therefore, funds must be expended and submitted for reimbursement no later than two weeks before the deadline communicated by the Finance office. Unfortunately, there can be no exceptions to this deadline.
  2. In order to be reimbursed for travel expenses, your trip must be preceded by submitting a Spend Authorization in Workday. (Note: Travel reimbursement from Faculty Development Funds is exempt from this requirement).
  3. Tenured, tenure-track and term faculty on three-year appointments will be permitted to carry forward unused departmental funds up to two years over three-year period. For more information on this, consult your department or the Office of Academic Affairs.
  4. Reimbursement requests must be submitted within 30 days of the date the expenses were incurred or the trip was completed. See the Travel and Business policy for more information.
  5. Awards granted for a specific period cannot be extended.
  6. For support with your Faculty Development Funds, contact your department administrator. For support with internal awards (e.g. FAFG, AFDF) or grants, contact the Office of Research and Creative Scholarship.

Expenses Related to Travel


  • First class travel is not allowable nor is business class generally allowable unless there is a rare exception. Exceptions are approved by the relevant supervisor and Vice President and documented on the expense report.
  • Budgetary restrictions will supersede College policy. Stricter rules governing trips being charged to a sponsored grant may apply.
  • Travel by private automobile is reimbursed at the IRS standard milage rate.
    • If you are traveling by automobile, you must visit ; and enter your start and finish points, clearly displaying your route of travel and distance. Please submit printout along with your expense report and receipts.
  • The College will pay for one checked bag used to transport the traveler’s personal belongings. The costs to check any baggage necessary to support the business purpose of the trip (ie. meeting materials and equipment, etc.) are reimbursable.

Expenses related to travel and transportation will be reimbursed ONLY after the travel is completed, and must be accompanied by appropriate documentation such as tickets or taxi receipts.

Per Diem Rates:

  • While traveling away from the campus, you may be reimbursed for per diem costs, which are dependent upon the city of travel. The figures for individual cities can be found at under “Most requested links” on the homepage.
  • You will receive 75% of the total per diem rate on the first and last day of travel and full amount all days in between.
  • Unless otherwise specified in the granting letter, groceries are not considered an appropriate expense.


  • For travel and expenses outside of the United States, you must calculate the current exchange rate, and provide documentation of the rate.

Purchase Orders, Consultants, Honoraria, and Expense Reports:

  • The auditors require a copy of the conference program that indicates the dates and location of the conference as well as your participation.
  • The College will reimburse for business meeting meals up to a maximum of four (4) individuals, all of who must be listed on the expense report. Any number of individuals exceeding four must be pre-approved by Academic Affairs. All original itemized receipts are required. Maximum reimbursements are based on the current meal per diem for the area, which can be found at
  • If you are hiring a consultant, you must receive an invoice from the consultant. There are tax implications when paying consultants. For that reason, you cannot pay consultants directly. The College cannot reimburse you for the amount paid; the consultant must be directly reimbursed through the College.
  • When faculty members are contracting with outside vendors (consultants, other services), the Acknowledgment of Payment Form needs to be signed by the vendor and the faculty member. Emerson College is only agreeing to facilitate the payment to the vendor on behalf of the faculty member, but are not a party to the contract legally. Please contact your department administrative assistant for further assistance in completing this process.
  • ORCS: If an honorarium is being given, please contact orcs [at] (ORCS[at]emerson[dot]edu) to complete this process.
  • Honoraria cannot be paid out using Faculty Development Funds.

Please fill out expense reports carefully, including dates and a brief explanation for the expenses.

  1. Date(s) of the activity or travel;
  2. Detailed explanation of the business expenses; and
  3. Justification(s) on how the expenses support your teaching, research and/or creative work.