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All Emerson College course syllabi should contain the following items:

Identifying Information

Include the following identifying information:

  • course and faculty member identification and location information,
  • course name and code number;
  • number of credits;
  • day(s), time(s) and location of when and where the course meets;
  • faculty member’s name, office location, office hours, office telephone number, and email address.

Course Description

This brief description of the disciplinary nature of the course typically corresponds to the catalogue description.

Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)

Learning objectives (also referred to as learning outcomes or learning goals) are statements describing what successful students will know or be able to do upon completion of the course. List which programmatic learning objectives the course addresses. Add learning objectives that are specific to the course. 

Course Calendar

List dates for the following: examinations, assignments, students’ presentations, guest speakers, topic introductions, etc. If calendar flexibility is desired, indicate that on the syllabus.

Attendance Policy

Outline what your course attendance policy is, and what students should do if they need to miss class. See the Faculty Success Guide and the Attendance policy for further guidance.

Course Requirements

Delineate exactly what work students are expected to complete and what will, and will not, count toward the final grade. In the syllabus, or in separate documents referred to in the syllabus, provide specific instructions for completing required written work, projects, presentations, etc.

Texts and Other Materials

List the required and recommended/supplementary texts and other materials for the course, and where they may be obtained (e.g., the bookstore, library reserve, handouts provided in class, purchase course packs, etc.).

Grading Policy

Explain how final grades are determined. Include the portion of the final grade that is assigned to each requirement, as well as the basis on which these requirements are evaluated (e.g., clarity, argument, adherence to format, etc.).

Required Statements

Support for Individuals Impacted by Discrimination, Harassment, or Sexual Violence

Include the following statement:

If you have been impacted by discrimination, harassment, or sexual violence, the Office of Equal Opportunity (oeo [at] (oeo[at]emerson[dot]edu); 617-824-8999) is available to meet with you and discuss options to address concerns and to provide you with support resources. Please note that because the instructor is an Emerson employee, any information shared related to discrimination, harassment, or sexual violence will also be shared with the Office of Equal Opportunity. If you would like to connect with a confidential resource, please contact the Healing & Advocacy Collective (advocate [at] (advocate[at]emerson[dot]edu), 617-824-8857), the Emerson Wellness Center (emersonwellnesscenter [at] (emersonwellnesscenter[at]emerson[dot]edu), 617-824-8666), or the Center for Spiritual Life (spiritual_life [at] (spiritual_life[at]emerson[dot]edu), 617-824-8036).

Support for Students with Disabilities

Include the following statement:

Emerson is committed to providing equal access and support to students with disabilities, through the provision of reasonable accommodations, to allow them to fully participate in Emerson programs and activities. If you have a disability that may require accommodations, please contact Student Accessibility Services (SAS [at] (SAS[at]emerson[dot]edu); 617-824- 8592) to make an appointment with an SAS staff member.

Students are encouraged to contact SAS early in the semester. Please be aware that accommodations are not applied retroactively.


Include the following statement:

It is the responsibility of all Emerson students to know and adhere to the College’s policy on plagiarism, which can be found at the Plagiarism Policy. If you have any questions concerning the Emerson plagiarism policy or about documentation of sources in work you produce in this course, speak to your instructor. Additionally, The Working with Research and Avoiding Plagiarism (WRAP) Quiz is available to all students through the Writing and Academic Resource Center's self-enrollment Canvas course. One-on-one consultations are available.

Suggested Statement

Equity, Access, and Social Justice

Include the following statement:

Equity, Access, and Social Justice (EASJ) are core values and commitments of Emerson College. Diversity of identity, thought, lived experience, languages, and perspective is valued in our community, and we are committed to productive learning environments that respect and celebrate our differences. The instructor will make every effort to ensure that an inclusive environment exists for all students.

If you have concerns or general comments about what Emerson can do to create more inclusive classroom environments, you may share your suggestions with tuesda_roberts [at] (Dr. Tuesda Roberts), Director for Faculty Development and Diversity.

If you have any concerns or suggestions for improving how Emerson approaches equity, access, and social justice as an institution, please do not hesitate to contact the Social Justice Collaborative (sjc [at] (sjc[at]emerson[dot]edu), 617-824-8528).

Optional Statements

Additional Support

General Support for Students

Students may encounter struggles or challenges during their time at Emerson such as housing or food insecurity, serious medical and mental health concerns, and significant familial distress which can directly affect a student’s ability to be present and committed to their educational endeavors. Students experiencing difficulties may benefit from connection with campus resources to support their success.  To find resources that may be helpful, you can use Emerson’s ConcernCenter ( which is an interactive database of resources and supports, talk with your instructor for guidance, or reach out to the Office of Student Care and Support at care [at] (care[at]emerson[dot]edu).

Support for Students Concerned About Financial Resources

Emerson has a food pantry, loaner laptop program (run through IT), student assistance fund, international student assistance fund, and other ways to support materials needs. Please contact: Student Success, Access & Belonging (studentsuccess [at] (studentsuccess[at]emerson[dot]edu), 617-824-8650) for more information. Note: for questions related to financial aid or your student account, contact Financial Aid or Student Accounts directly.

Support for Non-Binary, Gender Non-Conforming, and Trans Students

Whenever possible, please notify your instructor of your preferred name or gender pronoun early in the semester, or as you are comfortable doing so. Many of Emerson’s record-keeping systems can be formally updated at any time. For more information, please visit the Social Justice Collaborative’s Gender Inclusion website, or the Intercultural Student Affairs Website, or intercultural [at] (email Intercultural Student Affairs).

Support for Multifaith Observance and Spiritual Life

Emerson has a Religious Observance Policy. Please notify your instructor directly if you have a conflict due to religious observance. Work with the instructor to arrive at mutually acceptable alternative arrangements for class work and examinations. If you have additional questions, please contact the Center for Spiritual Life (spiritual_life [at] (spiritual_life[at]emerson[dot]edu), 617-824-8036).

Support with Immigration Accommodations and English Language Support

The Office of International Student Affairs (OISA) offers English language support services as well as immigration advising to assist international students in maintaining their required full-time registration. Students needing English language assistance or immigration accommodations (including an authorized reduced course load for academic or medical reasons in their final term) should contact OISA staff by email at oisa [at] (oisa[at]emerson[dot]edu) or by appointment, or may submit a reduced course load request via Terra Dotta.

Class Recording

Include the following statement:

No one may record any part of this class unless the faculty member has given them express permission to do so. Students who require that a class be recorded due to a disability should work with Student Accessibility Service (SAS) to receive an accommodation for that recording. This class is considered a private environment and it is a setting in which copyrighted materials, creative works and educational records may be displayed. Audio or video recording, photographing, transmitting, or publishing the images of those materials or educational records without expressed consent is strictly prohibited. Any student who records a class without the faculty's permission without a registered accommodation will be referred to the Office of Community Standards. Accommodations for recording a class will be honored by your instructor.