The Charles Wesley Emerson 1880 Society recognizes and thanks donors who have included Emerson in their estate plans.

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We invite you to become a member of the College's Charles Wesley Emerson 1880 Society, which recognizes and thanks those donors who have included Emerson in their estate plans. With your commitment, you will be joining other generous alumni, parents, faculty, Board members, and friends in furthering Charles Wesley Emerson's legacy. In addition, you will be providing an example of generosity for others to follow in helping to ensure the future financial health of the College. Legacy society donors may remain anonymous, if desired.

To notify us of your planned gift, please complete the non-binding, confidential Statement of Intent so that we may know about your wishes with respect to membership and recognition. Members may remain anonymous, if desired.

Legacy Donor Stories

Robert “Bob” Schiesske — The Role of a Lifetime

During his life, Bob not only enjoyed musical theater, but he was also a passionate advocate for its preservation as an art form. Through his planned gift, he established an endowed fund to support performing arts students at Emerson College.

Patricia “Pat” Peyton Martell

Patricia “Pat” Peyton Martell ’84 knew that Emerson College was her dream school the moment she set foot on campus. As the recipient of a scholarship fund herself, Pat has established an endowed scholarship fund through her legacy gift.

Mary Geddes Avery — A Life Changing Experience

The more than six decades that have passed since Mary Geddes Avery ’50 graduated from Emerson College have not dimmed her affection and enthusiasm for her alma mater one bit. Mary feels proud to have established a planned gift for Emerson as a way to give back.

To learn more about planned giving or notify us of your planned gift, please contact Shannon Worthington, Associate Vice President of Development, at shannon_worthington [at] (shannon_worthington[at]emerson[dot]edu) or 617-824-3017.