Senior Advisors to the President:
- Ruth Grossman, Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders
- Anthony Pinder, Vice Provost, Internationalization and Equity
President’s Staff Advisory Group:
- Henry Butterfield, Associate Director of Financial Planning & Analysis & Assistant Baseball Coach
- Brandon Clark, Associate Director of Residential Education
- Alayne Fiore, Executive Director, HIVE, Social Justice Collaborative
- Jacqi Holland, Associate Director, Academic Success
- Karen McKeen, Creative Producer, Media Technologies and Production
- Lilly Meehan Egan, Assistant Director, Alumni Relations
- Anthony Rodriguez, Assistant Director, Student Success
- Isobel Rounovski, Creative Instructional Designer, ITG
- Sgt. Mackenzie Slocumb, Emerson College Police Department
- Diego Salazar, Administrative Associate to the Dean, School of Communication
President’s Student Advisory Group:
- Jaeel Beato ’26
- Serenity Holland ’27
- Margarita Ivanova ’25
- Stella Lapidus ’27
- Megan Marr-O'Neil ’26
- Casey McCarthy ’26
- Yoshiko Slater ’25
- Samantha Spound ’25
- Paul Raglow-DeFranco ’26
- Amelia Zhou ’26
President’s Advisory Group on Community and Equity:
- De-nin Lee, Professor & Associate Chair of Faculty Development, Visual and Media Arts
- Ellie Beargeon, Affiliated Faculty, Marlboro Institute for Liberal Arts & Interdisciplinary Studies
- Jessie M. Quintero Johnson, Associate Professor & Undergraduate Curriculum Coordinator, Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders
- Matthew McMahan, Assistant Professor of Comedic Studies, Department of Performing Arts
- Paul Mihailidis, Professor of Civic Media and Journalism, Special Advisor to the Provost and Graduate Program Director
- Raquel Pidal, Assistant Professor of Writing, Literature & Publishing
- Rob Duckers, Executive Director, Emerson College European Center, Kasteel Well
- Sarah Zaidan, Associate Professor, Department of Visual & Media Arts
- Stephen Shane, Senior Lecturer, Writing and Academic Resource Center
- Lisa Eiduson, Affiliated Faculty and Interim Director, Spiritual Life
- Christopher Fong Chew ’26
- Victoria Draper ’25
- Alayne Fiore, Executive Director, Hub for Inclusive and Visionary Engagement, Social Justice Collaborative
- Anthony Pinder, Vice Provost, Internationalization & Equity
- Chris Daly, Associate Vice President, Student Affairs
- Christopher Griswold-Jenkins, Assistant Director, Center for Comedic Arts
- Homa Sarabi, Director, Production Safety & Sustainability, Department of Visual and Media Arts
- Iris Amelia O'Connor MA ’12, Manager, Digital Services, Web & Digital Services
- Jade Carter-Smalley, Assistant Director, Student Success, Access & Belonging
- Julia Schachnik, Creative Producer, Office of the Arts
- Sonia Jurado, Associate Vice President of Equity, Access & Equal Opportunity
- Timothy Chang, Associate Vice President & Chief Operation Officer
- Emi Bague, Associate Director, International Student Career Services
- Angela Cene ’25
- Chidera Ugwu-ojobe Putri ’27
- Dylan Keith Humphrey ’27
- Grey Cunningham ’26
- Madison Lucchesi ’27
- Melina List ’24
- Zaryah Qareeb ’26
- Kayla Armbruster ’26
- Lisa Wisman Weil, Assistant Professor & Assistant Dean of the Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders
Art on Campus Advisory Group:
Please email artoncampus [at] (artoncampus[at]emerson[dot]edu) to express interest or share ideas.