
Career Development Center

  • 2,000+

    advising sessions per year

  • 2,000+

    internship & job opportunities on Handshake

  • 6,000+

    companies in our Handshake network

Mission Statement

The mission of the Emerson Career Development Center is to empower students and alumni to achieve their career aspirations by providing a comprehensive approach to career development, including personalized counseling and internship and experiential learning opportunities. Our robust employer partnership program connects students and alumni with renowned companies and organizations within the arts and communication industries worldwide.

The Career Development Center is dedicated to providing a supportive and inclusive environment for exploration and creating equitable access to career opportunities. Our innovative online resources offer on-demand information anytime, anywhere.

Online Resources


Handshake allows students and alumni to search for jobs and engage with over 180,000 employers. Additionally, employers are able to post internship and job opportunities, as well as browse resumes and portfolios to actively recruit from our talented community.

Emtern Summer Experience

The Emtern Summer Experience offers undergraduate rising juniors and seniors the opportunity to receive in-depth professional support while pursuing a summer internship in either Boston or Los Angeles.


Emerge is a new online community where Emersonians can connect with each other to have career conversations, explore industry opportunities, find—or be—a mentor, and more. You can sign up at; and then visit its Resources section for tips on getting the most out of Emerge.