Nutrition is a vital part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle including academic success, physical and emotional wellbeing, and prevention of chronic diseases and conditions. Our dietitian will help you gain the education and skills to create sustainable and optimal fueling patterns for your individual needs and goals utilizing a HAES-informed and anti-diet approach. Common nutrition appointments include:

  • Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating
  • Sports Nutrition
  • Gastrointestinal Disorders
  • Dietary Intolerances and Food Allergies
  • Nutrient Deficiencies
  • Blood Pressure
  • High Cholesterol
  • Navigating Nutrition on Campus

Nutrition counseling appointments are available at the Emerson Wellness Center for students at no cost. Please book online through the Student Health Portal, email healthservices [at] (healthservices[at]emerson[dot]edu), or call Health Services at 617-824-8666.

Services & Appointment Information

Please note that nutrition counseling is offered via telehealth and in person.

Initial appointment

  • Each initial appointment is 45-60 minutes long. During the appointment, the dietitian and student will go over an assessment of the student’s nutritional status, medical history, past dietary habits, physical activity history, among other topics.
  • The dietitian will provide recommendations and resources to help the student confidently implement sustainable nutrition practices that can support and improve their overall health and well being.

Follow-Up appointments

  • Frequency of visits is based on the needs of the student. This can vary between weekly, bi-weekly and monthly meetings.
  • Appointments can range from 30-45 minutes

Common Nutrition Questions & Tips

I don’t have enough time to get to the dining hall before class in the morning and often skip breakfast. What could I make in my dorm?

Last Updated: 2024-07-26 08:51 pm

Oatmeal topped with fruit & nut butter, yogurt or cottage cheese with granola and fruit, an English muffin with nut butter and a banana.



What are some energizing snacks to take on the go?

Last Updated: 2024-07-26 08:51 pm

Choosing something that provides carbohydrates and protein or fiber can help to increase satiety and support you between classes and meals. Consider the following: yogurt & granola, cottage cheese & fruit, nuts/trail mix, cheese & crackers, pretzels & hummus.



Should I eat after a workout?

Last Updated: 2024-07-26 08:51 pm

Yes! It’s important to replenish your energy stores and provide fuel for your muscles to begin the recovery process. Having a snack or meal shortly after working out and including sources carbohydrates and protein will support such. This could include items such as a nut butter and jelly sandwich and chocolate milk, yogurt parfait with fruit & granola, trail mix, a protein bar, eggs & toast, etc.



Concerned about a friend’s eating habits and not sure what to do?

Model healthy eating patterns by choosing from a variety of nutritious foods and beverages, without labeling or moralizing items.

  • Ask questions in a curious and non-judgmental manner.
  • Identify concerns in a private conversation
  • Recommend talking with a registered dietitian or other healthcare professional
  • Let your friend know that you care about them