Academic Departments

Department of Performing Arts

Learn about the department’s academic programs, faculty, and venues

Theatre is more than a craft: it’s a way of connecting with others, of approaching challenges, and engaging the world. As theatre artists in Emerson College’s Department of Performing Arts, students will receive the necessary tools to focus their creative talents toward a fulfilling career—and life—in the theatre.

About the Department

Housed in the School of the Arts, the Department of Performing Arts offers eight undergraduate programs and a graduate program in Theatre Education and Applied Theatre.

Performing Arts faculty are active theatre professionals with deep connections to the performing arts community in Boston and beyond. Our students’ educational experience includes studio work, classroom study, and the opportunities to apply lessons in real life—both in Emerson Stage productions and in the thriving theatre scene on campus, thanks to a variety of performance-focused student organizations and stunning professional-grade theaters and production and rehearsal spaces.