The Office of Administration & Finance manages the financial, physical and human resources of Emerson College to meet the College’s strategic goals, while improving the financial strength of the College. The Office acts as liaison to the Board of Trustees – Finance Committee, Investment Committee, Facilities Committee and Audit Committee.

Paul Dworkis, Vice President for Administration and Finance

Campus Services

Campus Services provides and maintains a safe, healthy and sustainable physical environment and is committed to delivering services that support the College’s primary mission of teaching and learning. It seeks to enhance the institution’s physical assets so as to maximize their potential life cycle; plan for future facilities and infrastructure growth that match the needs of the College; and provide the highest level of customer service to the entire Emerson community in a sound financial manner.

Offices under the oversight of Campus Services include:

Vacant, Senior Associate Vice President for Real Estate


The Finance Office at Emerson College strives to be recognized as a leader in supporting our College to achieve its long term strategic goals by providing essential financial information and meaningful analysis to support decision making; leadership in resource planning; strong resource management through oversight balanced with innovative practices; and excellent customer service.

Offices under the oversight of Finance include:

Robert J. Butler, Jr., Associate Vice President for Finance

Human Resources

The Office of Human Resources provides leadership, guidance and support to the College with management of its employees. This is accomplished through promoting and maintaining a positive work environment that recognizes and values the diversity of people and thought.

Shari Stier, Senior Associate Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer

Financial Business Services

Offices under the oversight of Financial Business Services include:

  • Procurement Services
  • Disbursements (Accounts Payable, P-Card, Payroll)
  • Business Intelligence

Loretta Bemis, Associate Vice President for Financial Business Services