As a graduate student at Emerson College, you will have access to a variety of exclusive benefits and opportunities that will help prepare you to take your career to the next level.

Career Outlook for BCE Graduates

Earning an online MA in Business of Creative Enterprises from Emerson College’s School of Communication provides you with a unique opportunity to explore leadership-level positions across any industry, with a specific focus in creative industries. Employees with a master's degree earn $229 more a week than those with a bachelor’s, and from 2020 to 2021, arts and cultural goods in the US added $1 trillion to the US economy alone. Emerson’s Business of Creative Enterprises program offers you direct access to creative industry leaders, alumni, and faculty.

Careers available for students to explore:

  • Agent & Business Manager
  • Entrepreneur
  • Event Producer/Coordinator
  • Film/TV Producer
  • Public Relations Manager
  • Art Director
  • Creative Director
  • Social & Community Manager
  • Artist Representation (Agent, Manager)
  • Streaming Media Manager/Buyer
  • Digital Advertising Director
  • Fashion Merchandising Buyer
  • Digital Publisher

Industries available for students to explore:

  • Entertainment
  • Film & Media
  • Music
  • Fashion 
  • Art & Design 
  • Education 
  • Advertising & Marketing

Get the Emerson Edge with Our Graduate Student Benefits 

Once you commit to graduate school at Emerson, you’re automatically enrolled in our Emerson Edge program. Emerson Edge is designed to help you network with peers, alumni, faculty, and staff to ensure you’re getting what you need out of your graduate program including career exploration, resume building, financial planning, and access to exclusive events for students and alumni. 

Emerson Edge Benefits

  • Career exploration and preparedness: Work with the Career Development Center to discuss your interests and skills to investigate different career paths. Our Career Development team reviews industry trends and updates you on emerging career paths and industries. Start with the Graduate Career Action Plan to learn about your skills, the Emerson community, industry, and network. Work with our team to craft your resume, cover letter, and portfolio and receive access to exclusive job listings.
  • Attend graduate student events: Meet new friends and network with your colleagues in the graduate community at in-person and online events hosted by the Graduate Student Association.
  • Work with your graduate program director: Your graduate program director serves as a mentor to you and your classmates. They’ll help you connect with alumni, identify internship and career opportunities, and build a class schedule that excites you.
  • Network with Emerson alumni: Our alumni network consists of 51,000+ proud Lions. Meet alumni from around the globe through Emerson’s exclusive Emerge platform, and in-person and virtual events hosted by our Alumni Relations team. Our alumni are known for helping each other out, from mentoring opportunities to career guidance, and you’ll join one of the best alumni networks in the country.
  • Consult with our Lacerte Family Writing and Academic Resource Center to create a work-life balance plan and receive feedback on writing projects and coursework for native and non-native English speakers.
  • Find graduate housing: Work with our Off-Campus Student Services to find off-campus graduate housing, roommates, neighborhood and budgeting advice, and even learn how to sign a lease.
  • Explore our accessible resources: Coordinate with our Student Accessibility Services to receive access and support to our graduate programs and courses, activities, and services to ensure your needs are met while studying at Emerson.

1Ma, J., Pender, M., & Welch, M. (n.d.). Trends in Higher Education Series, Education Pays 2019. Retrieved from

2 The U.S. Arts Economy in 2019: A National Summary Report. (n.d.). Retrieved from