Emerson proudly partners with Bon Appétit Management Company for campus dining and catering. Please watch the video below to find out more about Bon Appétit’s mission to provide local and sustainable fare.

Visit the Bon Appétit website to explore the daily menu at the Dining Center in addition to the menus at other campus locations. Sign up for Menu Mail to receive a daily email of menu items. The Bon Appetit management team is ever ready to speak with students about any questions, suggestions, or concerns – there is a manager’s desk in the Dining Center, and supervisor stations in each retail location. Bon Appetit values feedback and suggestions: the team is here for you.  

View today's menu

Emersonians may use ECCash at non-campus establishments and select off-campus merchants. ECCash allows Emersonians to use their Emerson ID as a debit card for purchases. To add ECCash to an Emerson ID, please visit the GET Portal. Additionally, you can view a number of off-campus merchants that accept ECCash.

Dining Locations

Contact Us

Emerson Dining Office