The Writing Center frequently works with faculty to develop and implement writing in the disciplines, content, and workshops.
Our collaborations with faculty are geared toward meeting course goals through strategic writing instruction, discipline-specific genre knowledge, and faculty input. For questions, ideas, or requests contact Stephen Shane, Writing Center Coordinator.
Stephen ShanePronouns: (He/Him/His)Senior LecturerAddress Rm1217A, 180 Tremont Street, Boston, MA Telephone 617-824-3691
- Department Writing & Academic Resource Center
Areas of Focus: Writing Center Coordinator
Tyler McPeekPronouns: (He/Him/His)Director, Writing & Academic Resource CenterAddress Rm509, 216 Tremont Street, Boston, MA Telephone 617-824-8219
- Department Writing & Academic Resource Center
Areas of Focus: Individual Assessment & International Student Support
Partnership Opportunities with WARC
Here are ways we can work with you inside and outside the classroom:
Internationalization of the Classroom and Course Material
The WARC provides resources to help faculty internationalize their course material and the classroom environment, including: international student name pronunciation tools, language statements for syllabi, and consultations for internationalizing assignment prompts and course content. Many of these materials are available on the “English Language Forum” (ELF) Canvas resource page. For more information, please contact Tyler McPeek, Associate Director of International Student Support.
Recommended Visits
Recommend your students visit us for a one-to-one writing consultation. Students can register and sign up for consultations through our online calendar. To best prepare for the meeting, students should bring assignment sheets, notes, and any drafts or materials they might use while writing. We are happy to send a consultant to your class to discuss what a writing consultation is like and how writers can sign up. Faculty members and students—any writers!—can sign up here:
Small Group Consultations and Facilitations
Writing Consultants are available to facilitate conversations about writing and communication, work with small groups on writing projects, and serve as leaders in writing workshops.
Writing Assignment and Assessment Consultations
The Writing Center Coordinator is available to work with faculty on designing writing assignments and creating clear guidelines for assessment. On a broader scale, these consultations can also be used to plan courses and discuss how writing projects might play a role alongside discipline-specific projects or assessments.
In-class Writing Workshops
The Writing Center Coordinator will work with you to design and implement a writing workshop for your students. This might be geared toward a specific writing assignment in your course, a genre of writing that is integral in your profession, or simply a refresher on more general topics, such as citing sources or crafting introductory paragraphs.
Writing Fellows
The Writing Center has a limited number of resources dedicated to writing in the disciplines work, and connecting one or multiple consultants to a specific course for the duration of a semester. Working closely with the Writing Center Coordinator, faculty can create writing-intensive projects or a writing focus within their course. This model creates contextualized writing instruction in class, and tactical writing assistance at the writing center. Writing Consultants design and implement discussions and workshops specifically for course projects, and students in these courses bring their in-progress projects to the fellows at the writing center for one-on-one or small group consultations. Requests for writing fellows must be a full semester in advance of the course to plan materials and resources.